Well-known member
Thoughts and prayers continue for all of you.
Thanks Karlynn, for posting for me. I can only post from my phone in the cath lab. The way the doc explained it is that the stent is like a cage with holes in it. During the healing process some people produce enough scar tissue to occlude the stent again. He said this occurs about 10% of the time. This is why drug eluding stents were invented. The doc said that he thinks some of these big stents will be available in drug eluding soon and that he may be able to put that in Brian. He recommends that we check it every 2 months to make sure that it doesn't happen again.
Once again, I am so f'ing pissed at nephrology. This is the 3rd time they were wrong and each time it puts extraordinary stress on his kidney and heart. I wanted them to do this test on Friday. The heart docs are right on everything and had all of their tests finished on Friday and able to say that the heart was as fine as it could be and was providing plenty of blood to the kidney. But, nooooo, the kidney docs said it couldn't be the artery and we just needed to wait and see if it resolved itself.
Anyway, I am feeling much more positive now and thank you all for your prayers and support. It proves just how many wonderful people there are in the world.
Those other doctors really put Brian's life in danger. I think you should write a letter to the state overseeing board, and also to the hospital administration. It is one thing to have this problem when there is just a kidney issue, but when the heart situation is thrown in it is far too dangerous to not take extra pains with his care and make sure everything is checked out.
They are not careful doctors at all, and should look at the big picture not just their narrow field.
Did they not see the physical stress Brian's body was under? I think everyone on this forum who read about the struggle realized the renal problems were stressing his heart. It looked rather obvious!
As far as the dog goes, he would be pretty hard to sneak in. He is half great dane and half english bull terrier (spuds mckenzie dog). He weighs about 85 lbs. We got him from a rescue center last October, he is about 2 years old and a big bundle of energy and love.
Shame the dog is ONLY 85 pounds. You should sic him on those dumb docs.... A bigger dog would sock a bigger message.