brian back in the hospital - 3rd time this summer

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I'm sorry things are going so bad. and I certainly had Brian and YOU in my prayers all day. I'm glad they were able to get so much testing done today.Hopefully soon you will have some answers
I have avoided facebook until now, but willl join to keep up with this. I'm going to pm you my number I rarely sleep so the time doesn't matter
Brian remains in my prayers, as do you, your husband, your family and the doctors!

I can't tell you how sorry I am to read this. I will keep Brian and all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh Deanne, I am just catching up now. I am so, so sorry to read that Brian is back in the hospital and of all the problems that you have had to deal with. As everyone else has said, we are all here to listen and support you and there is no need to apologize for venting. I will be keeping Brian, you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for keeping us updated. Looking forward to reading better news tomorrow.

Deanne, thank you so much for continuing to update us. I hope it is helping you to keep us in mind. We certainly have you in mind!!!

You are having a very rough go of it, and Brian is going through so very much for a young man. Just stay strong, please, everyone stay strong.... whatever it takes.

Please know that you have my deepest yearnings, as a mother, for a quick and successful outcome.

Strong hugs coming your way.

I came on to get newe of Brian, so I am thinking of you all, even when just half-awake, and hoping that things turn around soon. At least now he seems to be getting the care that he needs, and with personnel that know him and that you are all comfortable with.

It might be a good idea to get something in writing to keep in your purse to show ER when you get there, with protocols on who to call, and what to do.
Deanne...When I found out about my heart issues I arranged for my son to get checked immediately. Fortunately no issues for him. I don't know how you maintain your composure as well as you do. I know I would be an absolute mess. My heart goes out to you and Brian in the biggest way possible. Brian has been through so much already, I hope that this episode resolves quickly.
I am so sorry you and Brian are undergoing all this. You are so strong. I hope they get a handle on the source of the problems and give you both the relief you deserve. The struggle you went through to get him into proper care is appalling.

Very best wishes,
I just checked Deanne's facebook and she posted this 9 hours ago, which was good news so wanted to share

Deanne Moore brian has peed twice in the last few hours. to some of you that may seem to be a wierd update but it is probably the best news we have had all day
This could all be from a virus. My husband and I both had gastro symptoms over the weekend and Brian had both diarhea and vomiting.

Brian and your family are in my prayers.

The reference to gastro symptoms interested me. My niece's family of 4 and her parents (my sister & bro-in-law) all came down with some GI upset (mostly upper) 2-3 weeks ago. My niece got sick first & my sister took her to the fire station my nephew-in-law works at. He immediately took her to the emergency care clinic she's an RN for, and she was there for 11 hours while the doctors did IVs, X-rays, C-T, etc. Once they stabilized her, she went home. Within an hour, her husband was violently ill -- and then two hours later so were their 3YO dtr and 1YO son. My sister & brother-in-law had driven two hours to their lake house, and within an hour of getting there, they too were hit, worse than the dtr & son-in-law. A neighbor called, was apprised of the situation, told not to visit but did leave soup, beverages on their front porch.

They're not sure what hit all 6 of them. HOWEVER, when Jake went back to work at the fire station, they were getting calls from sick people with the same thing, who needed transport to hospitals to be stabilized.

I haven't seen any news stories of a similar illness, but who knows? It could be the same thing you & your family had, and with Brian's health compromised, something like this could affect him more and in different ways. Vomiting can cause dehydration, which can affect the heart and other organs.

At any rate, I'm praying that doctors find what is going on and find that magic bullet for Brian.

Will check for updates from you during the day.
update 9/12 7 am pac time

update 9/12 7 am pac time

Brian continued to pee overnight but his creatinine is still worse today. It is 4.4. I am assuming that they will have to put him on dialysis today. Unfortunately his transplant coordinator and cardiologist are flying to Boston today for a conference. I know they will be keeping an eye on things and I can call or text his coordinator but it is still going to be challenging to have to deal with their partners. Hopefully if they are putting him on dialysis anyway they will be able to do CT scans to further check his kidney and heart. He does look pretty good and he is not throwing up or in massive pain like he was the last time his kidney failed. He is in Surgical ICU because Medical ICU was full. The nurses in SICU are terrific - way happier than the nurses in MICU. He was the only patient for his nurse last night and his nurse was great so I actually went out to the motorhome and slept for 6 hrs. I will post when I find out the plan for today.
I'm glad you got some rest, I know how exhausting this is and you need to be sharp thinking.
I'll pray about the rest, but at least he IS still peeing and not in pain.
It sounds like there are some things to give thanks for. Peeing! No pain!

Thanks so much for the updates.
So sorry all this is going on with Brian. So hard to understand the suffering that some are going thru!

Please know that Brian, you & the rest of your family are in my prayers.
Thanks for the update, Deanne. I am so glad that you have found a way to get some rest. It is so important for you!

I'm so glad that you are pleased with his current group of helpers.

Best wishes continuing.

Best wishes to you and Brian. You are so strong and courageous and absolutely right to fight for the right care for him. Hope Brian continues to improve, and you get some rest.

I finally got to talk to the docs this morning. The nephrologist is still blaming the kidney problem on his heart, but the cardiologists are assuring me that his heart - especially on the dobutamine - is not the problem. No dialysis or procedures today. The nephrologist said that he is not planning to do an angiogram till next week - and oh, by the way he needed to go because he wanted to get to his son's football game :eek::eek: I wanted to point out how much I would love for my son to be able to get out of bed let alone play football, but instead I said that if his creatinine was worse again tomorrow that I was going to get very cranky and push hard for an angiogram. Brian's transplant coordinator (who is truly deserving of sainthood) called me from the airport this morning to check on him and asked me to call her after the nephrologist was here. She assured me that she would continue to be his advocate even though she is going to be at a conference this week. So I don't think I will have much more to report today, he is still peeing so that is good. They are also going to let him eat a little.
I'm sorry and even IF the doc really wanted to go to his sons game he SHOULD have kept his ^&%^ mouth shut about it. It is so frustrating being in on the weekends,
Good he is still peeing, I hope Brian and YOU both enjoy eating. Are you not eating because your not hungry (I get that way) or lack of food available?