Woo hoo hoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
What a day in Chicagoland (sorry White Sox fans...yer boys shoulda been there, too, imho)!!!!!!!!!!
Brewers 12, Astros 5
Brewers 5, Astros 2
Cubs 4, Pirates 2
Cubs 7, Pirates 2
Scoreboard watching has never been so intense, interesting & fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When the final score of Saturday's Brewers/Astros game was displayed at Wrigley near the end of Game 1 of the Pirates/Cubs doubleheader, the fans went wild

This marks the 1st time the Cubs clinched the divisional title at Wrigley Field. In '84, they won it in Pittsburgh; in '89, they won it in Montreal. In '84, they lost to SD Padres; in '89 SF Giants beat the Cubs.
In '98, the Cubs clinched the Wild Card spot at home by beating Dusty Baker's SF Giants in a 1-game playoff, after the Cubs had lost to Houston Astros and...literally seconds later...the SF Giants lost to the Colorado Rockies via a walk-off home run.
That year, Bonnie, your Braves chopped us right out of the playoffs in 3 straight games. Arg! And we hafta play your boys in the first round again this year. Well, I sure hope the outcome is different. Heh...but, well...I am a Cubs fan...LOL. And, yet, at least the Cubs haven't won the division umpteen straight years and only one the WS once....he he he...
And, I'm so glad the game on Sept 30 is a night game....I _should_ be awake and aware enough after my ablation that morning to watch the game

As for winning...I hope...but...well, I don't know.
I had told a co-worker (a White Sox fan) on Friday that I doubted the Cubs would win the NL Central.... I pointed out that Houston was home against the worst team in the league for 4 games. He pointed out that it is hard to sweep a 4-game series. I pointed out the Cubs/Cardinals series in early September (Cubs took 4 of 5). He pointed out that the Cubs scheduled was relatively just as easy...3 games with the Pirates. I pointed out the troubles the Cubs have always had with my Dad's Pirates.
And yet...the Cubs won it!!!!!!!!! How? No clue. But, maybe we have a bit of pull "up there", with Harry Caray, Jack Brickhouse, Arnie Harris (WGN TV producer extroardinaire), and others, including my grandmother, who died a day after the Angels won the WS last year........
It's been a rocky season...and the fun is just about to start

Heh...actually, I wish the White Sox had stayed in the game a bit longer...maybe even made it into the playoffs. I hate to think that New York gets to have all the fun with hometown teams vying for championships at nearly the same time...LOL!