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OK. I'm going to try again. I don't know if it's my computer or the network but it just erased everything I just typed in.

I had another Rehab Session today. Those people must love their jobs and us "patients" because if it was me i'd go back to the oilfield where the people are friendly.

Just committed a major Faux Pax! Daughter #1 spilled a glass of water on the counter. THere was a book on the counter and I asked whose it was. Daughter #2 said it was her's. I pretended to throw it back in the water. So she hit me. Right in the middle of the chest. So I doubled over and took a major breath (I hardly felt her slap) and pretended agony. Her face was worth a million. I tried to convince her I was OK but I was laughing to hard. By the time she started believing I was OK she was so mad (from relief) that she through a glass of ice water on me. I finally convinced her I was OK and that I'm not an invalid or cripple. I don't want to be treated like it either. I think I convinced her that I started the joke and deserved whatever I got.

I just feel bad I took advantage of a touchy incident for my own amusement.

My advice is to be careful of those caring for you. They deserve special consideration too, maybe more!!
I just feel bad I took advantage of a touchy incident for my own amusement.

My advice is to be careful of those caring for you. They deserve special consideration too, maybe more!!

Try not to feel to bad. Its good to joke around your kids, it makes you all feel things are getting back to 'normal' I joke around all the time, but one evening it kinda back fired.
I was about 4 or 5 months into recovery and I fell down the stairs.......its only 6 steps. My SO and my son were both on the couch and saw this happen. Did they rush to my aid?? No! Neither of them moved. My son very calmly asked "are you okay?"...didn't even move a toe when he asked me this. I replied "yea, I think so." My SO replied "well you did it gracefully." So there I was, flat on my back on the steps and no one moved. :)
Show's to go yea, life does get back to normal.

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