Blood Clot or Infection

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hey everybody!
I saw the cardiologist yesterday. He didn't say too much that I didnt already know. The only new info was that the spots they saw (infection)is on the leaflets of the valve and he says is better than if it was directly where the valve is joining my heart. I asked him about what kind of damage it may cause and he said has a better chance of no damage due to the location of the infection. He said also that it is good that they caught it before I began having symptoms for then it can get difficult to treat. Guess thats positive news. :) I will just be continuing on the antibiotics until mid october and then they will repeat the TEE. Robb I wish you luck on your 8 week check up! I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy. :(
THAT sounds like the best new considerring whats going on. Hopefully your next TEE will be great. What a Blessing you had a routine echo so they were able to catch it so quickly.
Hi Penny, Glad youv'e got a bit of good news. Of course wishing you all the best and am hoping the antibiotics do their thing and your next echo is much more positive.
Hi Penny,

That is VERY positive new! I'm happy for you. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!

Well I think that's great news Penny!! Keeping prayers going up for you girl! Heal up and get better!!
Thoughts & hugs!!
well guys, went in for a follow up appt with the infectious disease dude and got some bad news.... he says in my blood work that came back there were some markers that indicated and alergic reaction to the antibiotics, also my white blood cells indicate that the infection isn't going away.He also said he thinks there is still fluid on my lungs and wants to stick a needle in there and draw out some fluid to see if it an infection... I asked him about the ct scan on my lung that I had done a couple weeks ago and they said it was fine.... He looked and said it was done incorrectly for them to rule out a blood clot. OMG what next.. so I spent the day in the hospital, had another ct scan, more blood cultures... he said he is concerned about the pain in my sternum and there may be the possibility of a bone infection. GRRRRRRR .... . I came home and cried... I am so tired of all of this! :(
Oh Penny, you are breaking my heart. You should just cry and get it out. Also my experience with infectious disease specialist is that they are very negative and pessimistic. When I had fluid in my pleural sac, pain in my sternum, high white cell counts, the infectious disease guy scared the crap out of me talking about chondritus, endocarditis, freaked me out about fungal infections to worry about while on prednisone etc. I've had a total of four blood cultures since my surgery and no infections, but he had me panicking. I hope for some good news from you. And I'm sending you a big hug.
Sorry to hear what you are going through. It's never easy. We are all here for you.
Wishing you the best.
well guys, went in for a follow up appt with the infectious disease dude and got some bad news.... he says in my blood work that came back there were some markers that indicated and alergic reaction to the antibiotics, also my white blood cells indicate that the infection isn't going away.He also said he thinks there is still fluid on my lungs and wants to stick a needle in there and draw out some fluid to see if it an infection... I asked him about the ct scan on my lung that I had done a couple weeks ago and they said it was fine.... He looked and said it was done incorrectly for them to rule out a blood clot. OMG what next.. so I spent the day in the hospital, had another ct scan, more blood cultures... he said he is concerned about the pain in my sternum and there may be the possibility of a bone infection. GRRRRRRR .... . I came home and cried... I am so tired of all of this! :(

Penny I am sorry to hear this. I don't know why if they think things are not getting better or you might have an infection in your sternum that they let you go home and didn't re-admit you right away. How was the CT scan they did yesterday?
Penny, I'm so very sorry you are having such problems. I know the healthcare system works differently up there, but I would fully expect to be in the hospital in the position you find yourself in with all guns blazing. When I had an infection post op (which turned out to be a superficial infection in my incision thankfully), my Dr's didn't waste anytime pulling out all the stops. From my phone call to the time I was in his office was maybe 30 minutes, and in that 30 minutes he had a surgeon in there waiting on me and the ID guy waiting on me in the hospital, which I was admitted to about 30 minutes later. They, too, were worried that my sternum was infected and were prepared to go into my chest that same day. Luckily, the CT and x-rays as well as the uncomfortable pushing on my sternum to check it's stability, all turned out negative for signs of infection, so it was just antibiotics for me.

I'm sorry to say this, but I think it is time for you to start raising hell. This is your life and health they are playing around with.

Please keep us posted when you can. You have every right to feel discouraged and sad and angry at what is going on with you right now. Know that we are here to talk to you whenever you need to. Keep your chin up.

I was wonderring how you were doing and if you heard anything back from the tests last week.
IF you have any symptons or notice anything that doesn't look "right" with your incision/sternum, please go back to the ER
PLEASE keep on top of them and if you have to fight for yourself, to make sure they are doing everything they should be for you.

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