To me this is the bottom line---The people we have elected have spent way more than has been collected through taxes for a number of years. The debt is legal and has to be paid. Sooner or later you have to get to the point where you decide where to go to collect the taxes to pay it.
Major deficit spending (IMHO) undermines the inherent strength of a democratic government. When do you think the war in Iraq would have ended if our politicians would have been required to pass new taxes to fund the billions we have spent on that war?
Deficit spending over the years has quietly but dramatically forced us into ever narrowing economic (taxation) options. Those concerned about disproportionate taxes for higher incomes need to decide who is going to bear the burden of those deficits. I am waiting to hear some politician explain how much he/she intends to raise taxes on the poorest 40% among us.
The discussion always seems to revolve around reasons why additional taxes would be unfair to one group or another. We need to get beyond that. If we think raising tax rates for those making over $250,000.00 per year is unacceptable, then we need to hear who it is that should pick up that burden. And we need to decide now. There are no easy choices left for us.
Hear, Hear, Dennis!
Sorry to bow out of this dialogue, but the green hills of Southern Illinois are calling . . . www.caveinrockkaylors.com