I don't have alot of faith in the MSM but if this is right , it could really hurt the non profits http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/26/AR2009022603391.html
Overlooked by many in President Obama's budget proposal is a provision that would reduce by 20 percent the amount wealthy people can deduct from their taxes for making charitable donations. This is big business, especially here in Washington. Most of the federal city's major think tanks and policy institutes -- not to mention its food banks, homeless shelters and other social service agencies -- are nonprofit organizations funded by private donors.
Under the administration's plan, households earning more than $250,000 a year would have their itemized tax deductions for charitable giving capped. So instead of getting a 35 percent deduction, on par with their income tax bracket, they would get a 28 percent deduction.
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Overlooked by many in President Obama's budget proposal is a provision that would reduce by 20 percent the amount wealthy people can deduct from their taxes for making charitable donations. This is big business, especially here in Washington. Most of the federal city's major think tanks and policy institutes -- not to mention its food banks, homeless shelters and other social service agencies -- are nonprofit organizations funded by private donors.
Under the administration's plan, households earning more than $250,000 a year would have their itemized tax deductions for charitable giving capped. So instead of getting a 35 percent deduction, on par with their income tax bracket, they would get a 28 percent deduction.
more at link