Hi There Glenda...Gosh, It's Still Is Hard To Say...
Hi There Glenda...Gosh, It's Still Is Hard To Say...
Hi There Glenda,
Oh Gosh, It is still so hard for me to say Glenda, because, as I think I told you, my aunt that passed on in 1990, her name was Glenda as well, and she had the best personality--just like yours...I miss her horribly..Ahem...well enough of the sappy stuff..LOL As for the sense of humor...It really helps with dealing with this stuff, although people have told me that I am just hiding all the hurt from my past...I don't look at it like that...I LOVE A GOOD LAUGH, AND I FEEL THAT I AM HOPEFULLY CONTRIBUTING SOMETHING TO HELP EVERYONE ELSE FEEL A LITTLE BETTER...EVEN FOR JUST A FEW MINUTES...I have come to realize over the past couple of months, that I think this was God's purpose for me while I am on this earth..(Lordy, can't you see me wreaking havoc at the Perly Gates>>LOL LOL) As far as putting the icons up and attatching pictures...it's really kind of easy...If you just go to some websites that have clipart, download them, and you can attatch them to your posts, or resize them and upload them like you did for your picture icon...When you do a search...use something like "cartoon clipart" and it should bring you to some sites that have great clipart to download... Sorry to be so lengthy...Take Care, Your In My Thoughts And Prayers..As is everyone...Harrybaby

P.S. The attatched picture is representative of me if I don't get my SSDI Soon...LOL...I couldn't resist...