Bad Cardiologist Visit...... :-(

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Thanks Guys!!!

Thanks Guys!!!

Thank You to all of you guys who have replied with encouraging words and help. To tell you the truth, I have pretty much felt like giving it up and let whatever happens guys have been kind enough and concerned enough to push me to keep's just that I am getting tired and worn out from going from Doc to Doc to Doc, but I will keep searching. I think maybe the surgeon that shine on is trying to get me into, will listen as he has the best reputation in this area, and if I am correct, he is the surgeon who worked on David Letterman. Gosh, I hope I can get into see this guy...It makes me soooooo angry to go to a doctor who just discounts everything you tell him....but THANKS AGAIN....Harrybaby666 :D :D :D :D
Harrybaby, I want you to know that there ARE cardiologists out there that listen. They may be few and far between, but they do exist. I know, because I have one! :D

I am going through the same thing you are (though mine seems to have come on a bit more suddenly than your's has, I think) where stairs, lifting things, etc. make my heart go crazy and leave me out of breath. Yesterday I had to stop and catch my breath three times while loading the dish washer! :eek: It's rediculous!

As soon as I tell my cardiologist about my symptoms she will do anything and everything she can think of (and even call on other people around the world) to help find an answer. She's awsome and one of the main reasons I would find it hard to ever move to another city. She has even rearranged her schedule so that I can come in Friday at 8 am and we can (hopefully) get to the bottom of things. I will probably be wearing an event monitor for awhile, so hopefully we'll catch whatever is happening.

Keep looking and good luck in finding the perfect doctor match for you.


Hi There Gnusgal,
Yes, we are going through the same thing....I am also on an event monitor until the 2nd of October, and let me tell ya, It had better say something...
I am receiving help from Shine On Syd (Jim) and he is going to try and get me into see a surgeon...a good one at that. I can't wait... Thank You ever so much for your kindness and support, as I have said earlier, I was about ready to give up....but not anymore...Thanks. Harrybaby666 :D :D :D :D
Hi Harry,
My husband, Chris, changed cardiologists too. Before Chris' annual checkup with the original cardio was due, Chris rang him to tell him of some symptoms and asked if he could see him sooner (his appointment was 6 months away). He siad no, and that Chris should be able to wait as the leak a year before was only mild. We went back to our doctor and asked for a referral to a different cardio. After seeing the new cardiologist, Chris had his surgery within 2 months because the aortic valve leak was so severe. Chris met up with his first cardio in cardiac rehab classes a month after surgery (he was running some of the sessions)...needless to say, he was a bit taken aback to see Chris there (especially as Chris' checkup appointment with hiwas not for another 2 months!).
Follow your heart and instincts,
Bryan, I agree-there are different levels of PCP. I recommend a board certified internist who deliberately chose not to subspecialize and who has staff privileges at a top hospital where you only stay on staff by keeping up your CME. My guy teaches at a top medical school and has IM residents
in his private office.He always asks my wife and I if we mind and we always say OK.Many PCP's in smaller towns travel to the medical centers regularly and have residents in their offices.
Boy Harry.... you've sure struck a sore point with me!!! I feel like I've been doing the whole cardio round-a-bout thing too. It seems they look at me and see a young woman in pretty good shape (aesthetically speaking) and figure I don't look "sick" enough to be suffering the symptoms I am.

I keep trying to tell them they can't compare a 32y/o with a very healthy background with CONGENITAL heart defects to some 90y/o with ACQUIRED heart disease. one ear and straight out the other!

4 years ago I was able to spend 3 hours straight on the dance-floor, could walk as far as I wanted... at whatever pace I wanted, was lifting weights, was working 40+ hours a week, and getting all my housework done (..and I'm one of those very finicky housekeepers..), and most importantly I was doing all this during the course of the week.

Now... I couldn't even manage 8 minutes on the treadmill during my last stress echo, I get out of breath making the bed, I'm getting dizzy every time I stand up, etc, etc, etc.... I'm sure you know exactly where I'm coming from.


I'm desperately hoping that my new cardio, who also happens to be a woman, will appreciate what is going on - especially since her specialty is with adults with congenital heart defects (..and with mine, pulmonary replacements are pretty much par for the course..). I also hope my new GP, who I see Tuesday, will listen to what I have to say. Fingers XXXX'd.

Sorry Harry, I wanted to give you my support and ended up hijacking your thread for my own rant...... but gee, it sure feels good to get it out there! I'll just second everyone else and tell you to keep on keeping on until you find someone you feel is taking you seriously, or can at least give you an explanation to why you're feeling the way you do.

The only other thing I can think of is that we're both suffering Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, with heart issues just to confuse things..... OR ( my cardio decided..), we're just stressing ourselves into anxiety attacks and imagining our symptoms and a course of anti-depressants should set us right! :mad:

...oh yeah...... tried that..... didn't work!

Anyway, hang in there Harry. I hope we both get some well deserved attention and answers soon.

Best wishes
Anna : )
Christina L said:
do you think that a lot of those extremely ill patients the docs are visiting in the ICU and hospital are sometimes ones that had their "minor" symptoms just brushed off in the office and ended up with major symptoms???!!! Just a thought.
You know, it's interesting.... I was reading something the other day that said heart disease was the number one killer of women in both America and Australia. You really have to wonder how many of these women (..and men, for that matter..) have seen a GP only to have their symptoms dismissed as something else... such as anxiety, depression, stress, etc, etc

A good friend of my family recently ended up in ICU because of an undiagnosed aneurism (sp?) in his heart. He had been complaining to his doctor for months and months, but because he DOES have a history of anxiety and depression (..he was in a hostage siege many years ago where one of his co-workers was shot in the face at point blank range..) his doctor wasn't even prepared to entertain the notion that it might be something else. He ended up in emergency because he was feeling so bad one night and they managed to find the problem. If it had been left another day or so, he would have been yet another statistic.

There's a lot to be said for preventative medical practices.

A : )


Ross said:
For women, it's worse though. Not that I like to say that, but it seems they are always discounted by Cards. It really is getting very difficult to find one that's worth a darn.

Woman? or cardiologist? or better yet, a woman cardiologist??

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Harry, I have to second your seeking out yet another doctor, whether it is an intensivist or pulmonologist or cardiologist. You need to find someone who will listen to you and not just blow off your concerns. Having sought out five separate surgical opinions on Katie before her second surgery, I am the Queen of "second" opinions. There are some good docs out there. I hope and pray that you find one soon. Many hugs.
gijanet said:
Woman? or cardiologist? or better yet, a woman cardiologist??.

I read a study a few years ago that highlighted the fact that women's health complaints are quite often disregarded by doctors. The interesting part was that it showed no difference between male and female doctors. The women doctors disregard women's complaints as much as the men do!!!!!

Harry - I'm just wondering if this isn't the doctors subconsciously reacting to your "inner woman"!! :D :D :D

My surgeon thought I was joking when, after he told me that when he got in there I basically had no valve left, to send what was left of the valve to the doctor that wanted to put me on Valium for my imaginary heart problems. :cool: I was joking just a little bit - but I would have done it! :mad:
Hi Guys

Hi Guys

Hi There Guys,

Thank you all so much for your help and understanding....I am soooo angry at these Dr.'s it's not even funny....Tell Me, when you all had the trouble (or still are right along side of me, did you ever start to question yourself just by what the Cardiologist had said to you?

I mean, I am really starting to question myself and wonder if they are right and I am totally nuts...It just seems that the cardiologists really act is if he or she are god and that their word is law...Sorry for the venting..I am just soooo frustrated...Harrybaby666 :( :( :mad: :mad: :( :(
Hi Harry, I second everyone else who suggested trying someone else. And you have to listen to your own body, you are the only person who can! They (the docs) cannot. So you need to trust your instincts and try and find someone who is willing to work with you.

Take care.

Like the new avatar! :D

To answer your question...YES! When I told my PCP that I was still feeling fatigue and SOB after my endocarditis had cleared up he blamed it on anxiety and increased my dose of Lexapro. My cardio blamed the continued fatigue on the Toprol XL I was on. My manager at work told me that my symptoms were all in my head and I needed to "suck it up". I started to believe them all, even though I was already told that I needed surgery. When my surgeon got inside of me he said my aortic valve was riddled with perforations from the endocarditis. The endocarditis had done a number on my valve and I was not imagining anything. And yes, I am still somewhat bitter about it all, especially since my employer laid me off as soon as I was released to go back to work. It has also made it harder for me to trust that doctors will listen to me and keep my best interest their top priority.

Lots of damage done...physically and mentally. :(
Harrybaby666 said:
Hi There Guys,

Thank you all so much for your help and understanding....I am soooo angry at these Dr.'s it's not even funny....Tell Me, when you all had the trouble (or still are right along side of me, did you ever start to question yourself just by what the Cardiologist had said to you?

I mean, I am really starting to question myself and wonder if they are right and I am totally nuts...It just seems that the cardiologists really act is if he or she are god and that their word is law...Sorry for the venting..I am just soooo frustrated...Harrybaby666 :( :( :mad: :mad: :( :(

Oh you bet I questioned myself, and decided I was not blowing it out of proportion. When I finally found a good doctor, that was confirmed. The worst part is that my family began to question whether I was really as bad as I said I felt. If doctors kept saying it was no big deal, why was I making it a big deal.

I still resent it like crazy that those doctors dismissed me so quickly. And that was about 18 years ago. It took me 2 years to find a good doctor that believed me and then another few years to have surgery, because he was so cautious and wanted to explore the medication route thuroughly.

Hang in there - you will find your answers.
Harrybaby, I question myself and my cardiologist DOES listen to me! I always end up taking too long to contact my cardiologist because I think I must be imagining things or blowing things out of proportion. I think we all do it. And for a person of authority to tell us it's "all in our head" it would certainly be natural to start doubting yourself. But don't give up. You know that your daily life is being affected and you're not happy. You should not settle for leaving things the way they are. Keep looking for answers.
Boy Am I Glad I Am Not Alone.....

Boy Am I Glad I Am Not Alone.....

Hi Guys,

You all have made me feel ALOT BETTER ABOUT MYSELF, and that I am going to keep plugging for the simple fact that when this does get taken care of (With Great Thanks and Gratitude to you guys and to Shine On Syd who is really plugging for me to get into see a very good surgeon :D :D :D ) I don't mean that I am glad that you guys have had the same problems that I have, it's just nice to know that your not alone, and that your not going out of your mind because you have an uncompassionate, and negligent doctor...

Bryan-Thanks for the comment on the Icon...I needed a change and I got a really good laugh when I saw this one-I guess I thought that it kinda resembled moi...LOL :D :D :D :D Harrybaby666
Hi Karlynn...I forgot to respond to something.....

Hi Karlynn...I forgot to respond to something.....

Karlynn said:
I read a study a few years ago that highlighted the fact that women's health complaints are quite often disregarded by doctors. The interesting part was that it showed no difference between male and female doctors. The women doctors disregard women's complaints as much as the men do!!!!!

Harry - I'm just wondering if this isn't the doctors subconsciously reacting to your "inner woman"!! :D :D :D

My surgeon thought I was joking when, after he told me that when he got in there I basically had no valve left, to send what was left of the valve to the doctor that wanted to put me on Valium for my imaginary heart problems. :cool: I was joking just a little bit - but I would have done it! :mad:

Karlynn-I suppose you could say he was trying to react to my "inner woman" However, if he had pushed that one just a little bit further....I would have showed him what the "inner woman's" best defense tool was really like....If you catch my drift....Kick.....OWWWWWWW!!!!! :mad: :cool: :mad: :D LOL LOL LOL Harrybaby666

"Inner Woman" HA!!!! LOL :D :D :D


They have good reason to pay attention to the test results...they work...and have saved many many peoples lives. Just because a Dr doesn't tell you what you want to hear does not mean he/she is a "bad" one.

Hi Med...

Hi Med...

It's not that I don't like the doc's, and it's not that I don't like it because they are not telling me what I want to hear, it's just that my father, who is dying right now was told too late that he was going to need a heart transplant, and they told him that his chances of survival were only 30% Tops...I told my cardio that I just don't want to get to that same point that my father is at now...besides, I do listen to the doc's but when something still isn't right, I feel that because it's my body and not theirs, that I have a right to be persistant when it comes to my health...I have too many things wrong with me to just be accepting so easily of what the doc's have to say....Thanks for the encouragement though...Harrybaby666 :D :D
Harrybaby, I love your sense of humor! :D Your icons are wonderful. :) :) I wish I knew how to do that.

I hope you will find a good doctor that will get to the bottom of your problem. You are way too young to be having all these problems.

I am sending hugs and prayers your way. :) :)
It sounds like the doctor has found out what is causing your health problems. You must really be relieved not to have to worry about the cause anymore. All you have to think about is following the course of treatment that will help alleviate them.
Yaps' husband's experience with meds controlling his pulmonary hypertension sounds very positive. I am sure you are on the way to feeling better, and you will no longer need to be so unhappy with the previous care you've received. I don't want to sound like a Pollyanna, but a positive attitude can be your best friend. Glenda is a role model for positive/cheerful and she has faced many health battles.
With kind regard,


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