Love ya Hank!
Now I'm certainly not the boss here, but I've viewed anything related to my valve and general health as something larger than Small Talk. I've never posted a valve concern, health concern or INR concern in Small Talk. I may have been wrong, but I've always viewed small talk as the kind of area where you get the same type of talk that you would with family at the dinner table - a personal concern, a request for prayers, a funny story, a joke, light-hearted poking fun of ones own health issues, occasionally a discussion on current topics (although I know that most likely the same rules that apply to dinner parties should probably apply to Small Talk - those being that politics and religion are a bit dangerous).
Barry, you may be a bit of an "instigator"

, but I also sense that you've meant well, and appreciate VR for the comraderie that only people who've "been there, done that" can have. Personally, I'm flattered that you care what I think. Deborah, I feel like we could meet in person and have a discussion like we'd just seen each other the week before. I agree that being able to get things off our chest is helpful for us even though it might not relate to our valve disease, it certainly can affect our stress level, which then affects our health.
Just a thought here, (because I don't remember the exact small print explanation beneath Small Talk), could it be tweaked so that new members understand it to be the "family dinner table" of VR? Or maybe an advisory for the faint-hearted not to enter.

okay, just joking on that.
It may sound a bit looney, but I consider many here my very good friends. Not because we've met face to face, or walked the same life path, or share the same political, religious or social views, but because we share a common bond, one that has meant life or death to each of us. Because of that, I love learning and knowing the little things. Most recently being able to rejoice with Granbonnie at the arrival of her beautiful new grandchildren.
I think our next step (since I just watched the movie "Old School") is to find a house for our "fraternity". Granbonnie or Hensely (or both) will definately be the Social Chairwomen (With Pappahappystar, Burair, in training!). Hank, of course, the President, and Ross will be the Rush Chairman.
Just my $.02
...well, here's another few cents. I think of Small Talk as being similar to the Annual Reunions. Someone last year was a bit upset (and posted so) that the Reunion wasn't a weekend comprised of meetings and speeches related to valve issues, but more social in nature, with a few valve things thrown in. I will certainly abide by our creator's wishes, but Small Talk has been more of a reunion type forum for me.