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PapaHappyStar said:

Although it is a great honor to be the next-in-line Social Chairwoman -- I am a bit anxious about the dress code ( if there is one ) -- that needs to undergo a drastic change... :p

Thanks -- the first time I have ever been nominated for a social position of any distinction -- bursting with pride


Uh, hmmm, not sure. I guess we'd have to ad-"dress" that in the creating of the fraternty's bylaws.
A quandary.

Uh-oh. Now whaddawedo?

I am NOT recommending this...

From theheart.org http://www.theheart.org/viewArticle.do?primaryKey=421101&nl_id=tho08apr05

HeartWire, Michael O'Riordan Apr 7, 2005 Oral cannabinoid therapy reduces progression of atherosclerosis

Geneva, Switzerland - Treatment with low-dose -9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) significantly reduced atherosclerotic disease progression in mice... according to the results of a recent study. Researchers suggest that THC and other cannabinoids, which are active at CB2, the cannabinoid receptor expressed on immune cells, may be valuable in treating atherosclerosis.

"We have shown that relatively low doses of THC initiated after manifestation of...artery lesions significantly inhibit atherosclerosis progression in mice," write Dr Sabine Steffens (University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland) and colleagues in the April 6, 2005 issue of Nature.

...Previous studies have highlighted various immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects of THC, the major active component of marijuana. In support of the immunomodulatory role of cannabinoids, the CB2 receptor has been identified on several types of immune cells, including -cells, T-cells, and monocytes. The researchers hypothesized that THC could alter inflammatory processes crucial in atherosclerosis, thus limiting disease progression.
You will need to register with them if you wish to see the entire article.

Note that it did say low dose, and the mice never inhaled...

Best wishes,
Might I make a suggestion about the problems some people still have with "SMALLTALK". I noticed during the last revamp that "Significant Other Forum" had been moved up a few places on the screen. I forget sometime to scroll down and check those entries out. How 'bout we (i.e. Hank or Ross) relocate the Small Talk Forum lower down in the "food chain".

Hank, I believe this would aleviate some of your fears that first timers to the site might get the "wrong" impression about what our site is all about. Most people new to a Forum Site (me included) look through the first three or four Titled Forums and see if it is our "Cup of Tea". That way your original dream of this being a Valve Replacement Forum and Information Site would be realized by placing all the Valve Related Forum Sites at the top of your list.

We are a family brought together by some of the greatest fears and concerns anyone can face. But we don't have to "talk heart" all the time. Each Forum has a well defined purpose and "missposts" are quickly moved to the proper location. Sometimes we need a location to just vent in general on things that may or may not be heart related.

May God Bless,

Good point, Danny Boy! LOL!!

Good point, Danny Boy! LOL!!

Only joking! LOL!! Anyway, Why don't Hank and Ross place the forums in order of priorities? For instance: HEART TALK, PRE SURGERYand POST SURGERY should come at the beginning, I think. And then the others after that. Just a thought.
deboraginastewart said:
Only joking! LOL!! Anyway, Why don't Hank and Ross place the forums in order of priorities? For instance: HEART TALK, PRE SURGERYand POST SURGERY should come at the beginning, I think. And then the others after that. Just a thought.
I'm working on that Debora. Doesn't seem like it would be that big of a deal, but when you sit down to do it, takes a little more thought then you realize.

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