aortic root aneursym. any thoughts?

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Thank you for posting that very detailed synopsis of your experience. If you wouldn't mind, I'd very much like the name of your surgeon. I am planning a trip to Boston this summer (to visit schools with my high school junior) and would like to maybe work in a consult with this person. I grew up near Boston and still have family in the area, so Boston would, logistically, be a fine place for surgery and I'd feel very comfortable there too. Please PM me with his/her name if you'd rather not post it publicly.

First post here --

I appreciate this thread very much. I am facing a nearly identical situation: age 51 and will need to have repair/replace of AV and aortic conduit to be done within the next four weeks or so.

Tcopel, it is very helpful to follow you through your decision process. I appreciate your openness and everyones' contribution of knowledge and experience in this situation.

Thank you.
Once again, I simply want to say to everybody that I believe this site to be a blessing to me and for others. As I have previously e-mailed TomF, once you get over the feeling of getting hit in the face with a hockey puck, one has to start getting to work and become an expert in something that is terribly frightning and equally extensive in scope and depth. The large volume of information can be daunting to digest, particularly with the background of how that information and decisions can impact our health and life, not to mention our loved ones.
In the end, it comes down to odds. What are the best odds during surgery and the post-operative stages, anticoagulation and its inherent risks, stroke, quality of life issues, residual effects of the surgery, doctors expertise and motivation, reoperative chances and the hospital choices. And to throw in the mix, and heighten the stakes further, our potential mortality and making us like deer caught in the headlights.
Those odds and choices are nicely summarized by the kindly postings of my VR "family". The encouragement is also very much appreciated and something I have earnestly leaned upon.
D-Day (David procedure) cometh. I expect to post good notes after the event of my life, and like many of those who proceeded me on this site, say to themselfs silently and sincerely, each day is a gift. (although I may not say that for a few days after surgery).
Surgery as planned May 14th, preceeded by catherization May llth. David procedure on the horizon with the Doctor that I talked to in Pittsburgh. I think I've done my homework the best that I can. I have emailed and gotten responses for Dr T. David himself from Toronto as well as another MD from Rush University. After many sleepless nights, I believe that I should take my best shot, understanding the potential risks of the relatively newly devised procedure. Like a family, we all have different risk potential and personalities but it seems that we all support each other very much. To each of my fellow comrades in arms, I say a very sincere and heartfelt thank you for you input.You have made a difference.
And Rocky Balboa says " You have to keep moving forward. Life hits you like a ton..but what matters is to keep moving forward." See you guys on the other side of the mountain.
To Plumber1, here is my e-mail [email protected]. Give me a shout anytime
I had a David, but as TCOPLEL says, the decision is tough. I will answer anyone's questions about he David procedure. To all of you in the waiting room, God speed and good luck. YOu have all of our prayers.

Congratulations on making your decision and moving forward. You've done your homework the best you could and in the end it is a matter of personal choice and comfort with the decision. Have a safe journey up and over the mountain. Good luck and best wishes for a successful surgery and smooth recovery.

P.S. I'm glad to hear Dr. David responded to your e-mail. He's very busy, but a very good person who cares passionately about his work.
I didnt see mention of your backup plan but assume you have one just in case he cannot perform backup plan needed to be used so i was very ahppy i had one.
Thanks again for your support. MikeC, I believe I am going tissue as a backup.
I got two more days to solidy my thoughts on this before my surgery 5/14. I talked to the surgeon today just after my cath this morning who says I can tell him the day of the surgery. Generally, I am a pretty decisive guy so this back and forth in the head about the valve debate is giving me quite a HEADACHE. I think you went mechanical didnt you MikeC? Cath today was uneventful. Tobagotwo, your input was very valuable. I have read previous postings about Tobagotwo thoughts on the choices between the two and have proven very helpful in detailing the pros and cons of each.
rachel and waynGm, thanks sincerely.
Just wanted to let all know that all is well. Had David procedure and a one vessel bypass thrown in for fun. Spent one day in ICU and discharged from hospital 4 days post op. Hospital course compicated by a short duration of atrial fib. As you guys know, I feel pretty beat up, but overall, am not complaining. Surgery was done May 14th, flew home yesterday which was a bit more taxing than I thought it was going to be.
I just want to thank all you guys for your help. Your support and encouragement has been sinerecely appreciated.Your advice was always very helpful, especially the banter between VR members about the David procedure itself. This proved to be invaluable to me. I heard it said that those comrades that are held dearest are those that have been in the foxholes with you. I know that many here have been through what I just went through. In turn, I will try to be there for those, unfortunately, who will follow me.
Hope this David procedure sticks. Time will tell.

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