Another long journey for Joe

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Joe had his surgery on Friday. No hernia and no diastasis to fix. But the gallbladder was removed and then the surgeon saw something he needed to investigate with the liver, so he did a liver biopsy. That was unexpected, but some of the symptoms fit very well with the pains Joe has had. In talking with the surgeon and the PCP, there have been mentions of possible liver complications secondary to Joe's heart problems, plus he had had an amyloidoma removed from one of his lungs, so they will be making sure that this area is investigated as well. We're awaiting the biopsy results for the liver and the gallbaldder. The gallbladder had many small stones.

Joe then developed a bleed in the abdominal cavity nd his hematocrit dropped significantly. He had to have two units of plasma and two units of blood. Last night was a little "touch and go" and there was a possibility of a second surgery, but he was transferred to the cardiac step-down unit with one to one nursing care, and he has slowly started to turn the corner. The surgeon doesn't think he wil have to do anything now, except for letting the fluids drain and be reabsorbed in the body. His belly is still very distended, but the drain fluid is more clear.

It'll be a long recovery, unfortunately for something which might have been so easy.

Thouhghout it all his heart has been strong, so thank God he has his heart repairs done, or he might not have made it.

I'll keep you posted. Say a few prayers.
Joe's Surgery

Joe's Surgery

Nancy, Thank you for the update on Joe, I know you must ge going through alot right now. Keep us posted and you know you are both in our thoughts and prayers. Syl
I've been keeping the both of you in my prayers and waiting to hear what the outcome was. For all that the both of you have been through, I'm sure this isn't at all pleasant, but remember we are here for you as you are for us.
Hi Nancy,

Just wanted to tell you that you and Joe are in my thoughts and prayers. What an ordeal again, but like you said his heart is holding out strong and that is a good sign. Many good wishes coming your way from AZ.

Another long journey for Joe


Keep hanging in there hon,..
after this is all over you should apply for your med degree.
Good Lord knows you have covered most of the body and then some.
Our prayers are with you both..God Bless

Jack ( Welland )
Dear Nancy-
Well, you certainly have been there through the good and the bad. Hopefully, you get some rest soon. You two need a vacation to somewhere away from hospitals and surgeries.

Give my best to Joe and I am praying for a speedy recovery, and that he'll never need another surgery! He's been through enough, and so have you. It's time you two got on with the fun things!

All the Best to Joe and to you Nancy. He is lucky to have

someone who is there for him, like you have been. Take


:) Judy
Glad to have the update, Nancy.

Continuing with the prayers for you both.
Hi Nancy, sorry to hear that you and Joe have had such a rough time....but glad that things seem to be getting better. You will both be in my thoughts.

Wishing St. Joe a speedy recovery and all the best.

Will say a prayer for you both.


Good Irish luck for a complete recovery Joe - and Nancy I just don't know how you keep your faith and enthusiasm through all these surgical events.

You have my ultimate admiration in this respect.
For all the information, support, loving responses, friendship and caring that you have given all of us, we are here to give it all back in kind to you and your dear Joe. Have been waiting to hear from you. My heart is with you at this rough mountain you are climbing and we are right there with you. Both of you are in my prayers. You will be busy and we are patient, but want you to know know that you are thought of so much. God be with you and bless you... Love Ann (Hensylee)
Hi Nancy,

I want to wish Joe a speedy healthy recovery. Joe and you have endured a lot. I very glad Joes heart is strong. This is a good thing. It is a rough road but we are there right beside both you and Joe. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and God Bless!
hi nancy!
i was so sorry to read about this one more hurdle you have had to endure, both you and joe. i'm glad he's on his was to recovery and hope it goes well from here on in. you two have really have your share of "God's testing you" (as i like to think of it), and have come through really well. my heart goes out to you.
you are in my thoughts and prayers. please let us know how joe does from here on in.
be well and God bless,
Here's what's happening with Joe. The bleeding continues. Trying to get it stopped without jeopardizing his anti-coagulation is a major problem. He's had more units of blood and plasma than I can remember. They are going to "throw the book" at the problem tonight and if that doesn't work, they'll have to go in and try to fix up whatever is causng the problem. It's a tough call, because one surgery right after another with Joe's health history is problematical, but the bleeding has to be stopped pronto. There was a big consult meeting today about his condition.

His vital signs are OK, and his heart is fine. He hasn't had anything to eat since surgery on Friday morning, and they won't let him drink any fluids either. He can suck on a water soaked mouth sponge every 15 minutes, but that's all. This is because they want him to b able to go into surgery at any time and also because he's still draining lots of fluid.

Keep him in your prayers.
You know he's in mine and so are you. How are you hanging in there? I don't want to pester you at a time like this.
oh nancy,
are you okay? i'm so sorry you both have to go through this. how frightening.
poor joe, no food, no drink. i can understand why they don't want him to take anything by mouth though_ just incase. still, it doesn't make it any easier on the two of you.
i don't know what to say....
please let us know how things go and what the doc's decide in their meeting.
you and joe are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you both.
we are here for you, sylvia
Won't make this long - know you are tired and your time short. Praying for you both to have strength to get on with whatever is next and come out of it whole. God keep you Ann (Hensylee)
Can't believe this is Happening.

Can't believe this is Happening.

Nancy. This is the worst thing. What this must be doing to Joe.
I know your are strong and there for him. I can't even say all the words that are in my heart. God above is watching over both of you, and it's all in his care. I will pray each and every day for the both of you. I will be watching for your post and letting us know how Joe is doing. A big prayer goes to those doctors too.
And take care of yourself too, Nancy.

Faith is trusting in a power greater than yourself and knowing
that whatever happens, this power will carry you through

anything. Syl

As strong as you are, you sound exhausted and have to be so worried. We are all here so concerned and checking several times a day for updates on Joe.

May angels attend you both and may God guide the doctors' decisions for Joe's best outcome.
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