I admire you so much nancy, after all that you and joe are going through, you still find time to uplift others in need. The both of you are in my thought's and prayers. God Bless you.
I have been thinking of you and Joe all weekend, and was so relieved to see the post.
As you have so often said to all of us, nothing is simple or easy for these folks. Their situations are so very complicated, with one system of the body so dependent on the others.
We will continue in our prayers for Joe's recovery, and your continued strenth.
Nancy, I am with heavy heart as I read about Joe's trials and tribs. I am sending many and often prayers your way. Let Joe know we are all pulling for him. And you take care of yourself, it has been a long road for you too. Love...
Nancy ...just wanted you to know my thoughts and prayers are with Joe for a full recovery and for you to have the strength to sit this awful time out with him ...
You are both so brave ..and you have been an inspiration to many including myself here ...God Bless You Both
love and prayers
Joe had a second surgery today at 6 PM. It was to clean out the abdominal cavity and make sure that there weren't any bleeders in there.
All told he had about 30 units of blood products, including plasma and whole blood.
The surgical site inside had stopped bleeding. He came out of surgery a new man and so far so good. He's in the ICU overnight. They'll keep a careful eye on him, then he'll be transferred to another floor tomorrow if things are in good shape.
He wants me to bring him the newspaper and a LARGE Pepsi when I go to see him in he early AM. He hasn't had anything to eat or drink since Thursday, just moistened mouth sponges which aren't too great.
He had some really good doctor and nursing care. I'm relieved and I think I'll sleep tonight. Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers, they really helped.
Nancy, I just hauled myself out of bed, worried about you and Joe. I am SO relived that you posted. Both you and I will be able to sleep tonight. God Bless and keep safe all of the wonderful people in the medical profession. And, thanks for the internet.
You have been such a strong and ever-present source of support to others, I just with there was some magic that could be sent your way...you certainly deserve it!
Sending you and Joe all the best wishes for a speedy and uneventful recovery!
I've been talking to God a lot about your situation and I think with all of us combined, we are being heard very loudly.
I had a small problem last night and this is the first chance I've had to check the boards since 11 AM yesterday. This truly brings a smile to my face.
Get all the rest you can. I don't know about a large Pepsi, but I'm sure he'd like to guzzle a few gallons of water. I hate those sponges with a passion.
Dear Nancy - Thanks so much for taking time to let us know how things are going. You must be so very tired. They ought to give you a bed right next to Joe so you can nap when he is napping. My heartfelt prayers are being sent for both of you. So glad this surgery was successful. 30 units? Goodness. But sounds like he might be coming along now. God is good. Hang in and keep us posted - when you feel up to it. God bless and keep you both
Nancy, I'm so glad to hear things are looking up for Joe & you. God certainly hears and answers prayer, doesn't He?
I pulled this up last night and began reading your posts to my adult daughter. She said, "Mom, I don't know these people". I said "I know Nancy", and told her how concerned and helpful you were throughout Jerry's problems which, by the way, were nothing compared to Joe's.
hi nancy!
What good news that your joe is doing better. i was so happy to read your post! please wish him a continued recovery and i hope you can breathe easier and get some rest too.
you and joe have been through so much, and still you keep such a positive attitude, supporting us all.
please try and keep us up to date as to how joe progresses.
God bless and wishing you well, sylvia
I just returned from he hospital. They removed Joe's NG tube today and he was able to drink glasses of liquids finally. He'll be eating probably Jello and stuff like that tomorrow. His belly is still distended, but nothing like it was. He is continuing leak fluid from his drain and also his small navel incision, but the fluid is clearer with a little blood and so far his blood count is stable. He had quite a period of bleeding today when they decided to get him up and walking. It would have probably been better to leave him be to heal for a little while longer. It seemed to open up things that were OK before.
You know, sometimes the guidelines that are set for post surgical procedures are just too rigid and need to be adjusted on a case by case plan. I wasn't a happy camper about that. All we need is another bleed. The other issue is his anticoagulation. We're coming up upon the "safe" time for being off it, if it hasn't already passed. This recent bleed put a lot of question marks on resuming anticoagulation. It was finally decided to put him on a small dose of Lovenox today and see how things go.
So all in all, I think things are looking up. The surgeon seems to think Joe can look to going home this weekend.
I looked at all the posts since I've been out of touch, but haven't read them. You guys talk a lot!!! LOL.
If we didn't hear from you tonight, I was gonna ask if anyone knew how to reach you. I was worried and guess there's a good reason for it. We care about you two. You are so faithful and if we don't see you, well, you know........
Glad Joe is coming along a bit better. They are sending him home this weekend? Guess you will feel better, tho. You can take charge and you are as good as any of them and probably a lot better. Prayers are still going. Love Ann