Another long journey for Joe

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Whew! So glad to see your post. Sounds like things are looking up a bit for you and Joe.

Please give him our best wishes.

And, if you can, get your feet up, and do some caretaking on Nancy. She deserves it.

Like you always say, Nancy.....even small things are big things with these guys.

They just don't fall within the "normal" recovery range.

BTW.........have you gotten test results from the lab yet?

Over the hump!

Over the hump!

Nancy, It looks like Joe is over the hump. All the best to you both.
All the best to you and St. Joe and I'm praying for you along with the others.

Glad to hear Joe is doing much better. You both are in my thoughts. Take care.

I hope you and Joe can plan something fun--a vacation, a fun outing--anything that you both can look forward to as a reward for getting through these tough times!

Best wishes to both of you, and hopes that you'll now have some years of smooth sailing ahead!
long journey

long journey


I am so releived that Joe is doing OK but I really worry about you!
Please make sure to rest and "get away" for a little while and get your resources back.

Always know the Good Lord will keep you in the palm of His hand no matter what the circumstances. So take a deep breath, say thank you Lord, and then start thinking about yourself.

God Bless

Jack ( Welland )
We can't help but talk a lot!
It was getting pretty scary not hearing anything from you. I'm with Hensylee, I was about to send out the National Guard to check on you and Joe.

I hope he is home this weekend. I also think your 100% correct on the ridged standards and going on a case by case basis. Seems sometimes protocol and common sense get lost somewhere.

See ya posting soon, I hope. :)
Hi Nancy,

'Hope to hear more good news from you soon. I'm pleased to know that Joe's condition has improved and that he might be home this weekend.

We're all pulling for ya'.

Ron K


Very pleased to see that Joe is improving are both in my prayers ...keep in touch and take care of yourselves
Well, here's my fun for today. I watched Joe down a chicken salad sandwich, orange Jello, chocolate ice cream, milk and some high octane coffee. That was his first food for a whole week.

No gallbladder pains any more, and no throwing up. Drainage is getting straw colored and minimal, stomach is down, all vitals are really just great. His heart rate which was quite elevated has returned to normal and his blood pressure too. Oxygen was 100 today for quite a bit of the day. He stayed in bed all day today and they got him some TED stockings, per my request. He had several bronchodialator treatments, I guess to avoid pneumonia.

So things are well. What a relief!

I told him if he ever had another surgery I'd take an axe to his head. And maybe his doctors would shoot him. I think they're worn out. LOL:D :D
Nancy, one can just hear the glee in your voice as you describe all that food Joe ate!

So relieved that he is doing so well and that you can look forward to having him home under your care again!

Yes, this one was too big a roller coaster! No more surgeries for Joe, just good health and blissful days to enjoy with his dear Nancy.

Just look at the data on this thread: 560 views as I post this message. You can see how often we were all checking in for news!
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Wow, Nancy, this is great news. A good appetite is one of the best signs you could hope for, I think.

Pass along my best wishes to Joe. (and for yourself as well, you're quite the trooper!)

Now, he must be really looking forward to homecoming, and some really good grub!

Our best wishes.

Wayne and Marybeth
Good News for Joe

Good News for Joe

Nancy, good news and speedy recovery for Joe.


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