Andy - 6 week post-op Update

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ARGreenMN Supporter
Supporting Member
Mar 30, 2010
Woodbury, MN (USA)
Do you remember what were you doing 6 weeks ago today (5-5-10) - Cinco De Mayo day? I do! I was on the operating table! And I could NOT be happier about it! Those guys and gals extended my life by who knows how many decades (yet to be determined). And you guys and gals in here supported me all the way through it, and I thank you all from the bottom of my newly repaired heart!!!

Trying to be more brief (taking after my mentor, Gil)...

Doing great! The end. NOT! But really will try to be more brief. And will cheat by including links to my historical posts for the details ;)

Mowed yesterday for first time since surgery (son started mower for me). Started lifting light weights today at Cardio Rehab. Have my "numbers" back now (many of my records from cardiologist, play-by-play of surgery, etc.). Went from .76 Aortic Area before surgery to 1.3 after. Have a small (19 mm) valve for a dude like me with a BSA of 2.4, but it's what was needed to fit my aorta. Mean gradient (which is what cardiologist was most concerned about 'cause it was like the highest he'd seen or something) went from 85 before surgery down to 31 after. My INRs continue to stay very steady. Never below 2.1 and never above 2.7. My official target is 1.8-2.2 but keeping it on the higher end intentionally. Below are links to my previous updates for anyone that wants detailed (too detailed lol) info on the timeframes below.

Oh, and below is a pic of my my scar taken tonight - my 6 week anniversary. See week 4 update for previous pics for comparison. The dark spot at the bottom is from some irritation I had, and subsequent poking on it by the docs, where stitches didn't disolve at first - think they're disolving now.

My original post before surgery (when I was leaning toward tissue):

36 hours after surgery:

One week after surgery:

3 Weeks after Surgery:

4 Weeks after Surgery:

PS - holy cow - that pic is big, sorry about that... took it on my digital camera this time... AND NO, THAT'S NOT MY BELLY BUTTON. That's my chest tube hole (or cavern)... My belly button is about 5 inches below that hole (out of the picture). My scar is almost exactly 7 inches long by the way.

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Andy, good on you, your scar is coming along nicely and am still envious of your rehab group and you are to be weighlifting too, wow.

Funny how our day of surgery is just stuck in subconscious, eh

You mowed today, what you finally had a sunny day in MN, was about time?

By the way, thanks for sending us the monsoon rains, thought i requested a little rain, we really did not need as much as you sent, hold up ok?
Looks good. Glad to hear the sutures seem to be disolving
I know you give alot of details to also help people who will be following you down the Valve replacement road, so just wanted to make sure you know only members (signed in) can see the TOOTs forum. It is set to private.
Ohh, didn't know that... Well, maybe Ross can move it to a non-private forum. I really do think it's valuable for people in the waiting room to see that the scar doesn't have to be life-changing. It's something I was afraid of 'till I saw some pics of people's.
Great post Andy, you're looking good ! Scar is healing very well, and what a neat job. Wow, you should see mine, after 18 months it still looks like I was opened up by a hungry pack of beavers !!
You're an asset to the forum and a massive help to those visitors facing and worrying about AVR. It's a transient platform and newbies with a tale to tell and fresh advice keep the wheels turning, nice one !
While I can understand you wanting to have it somewhere else, it all stays here. If we start posting these things elsewhere, it defeats this forums purpose and intent.
Andy, 85 mm hg - you were ready. My Cardio speeded things up when he found mine was 67. As the others have said, Andy, it is good to leave a good record of your experiences for others to read. I remember how anxious I was a year ago when my symptoms went into overdrive. VR helped calm me down and develop just a little perspective instead of running over the cliff. You've done a good job.

Andy, My surgery is wednesday and I have noticed on your scar and Malibu's that it starts much lower then they had explained to me in my surgeon's office. They said it would start at the notch right at the top of my much higher than yours appears.....I am having my aorta replaced is that why mine has to be higher? Robin
I had my aorta valve replaced, but not my aorta. I'm not sure what all factors go into deciding how high (or low) they have to go. Some of it might be surgeon preference/habit, so I think it's one of those great questions to ask before surgery. And to make sure they know you'd like it to start as low as possible. Sometimes, I think unless you say something, they just do whatever they're used to doing. I made it clear before surgery that I'd prefer as small of a scar as possible (and asked about possibility of minimally invasive). Don't know if it helped to make my preferences clear, but it certainly didn't hurt! He told me he tries to do something between minimally invasive and the traditional approach (minimally invasive in his opinion would have kept me on the heart/lung machine longer than he likes 'cause it takes longer for them to do their thing). That part of it (the incision) might be more of an art than a science, so I think it's worth asking lots of questions and making your preferences clear. But of course you don't want to do anything that makes it less safe either! Even if the scar went up higher, it's still well worth it to extend your life by a few decades!
Andy, My surgery is wednesday and I have noticed on your scar and Malibu's that it starts much lower then they had explained to me in my surgeon's office. They said it would start at the notch right at the top of my much higher than yours appears.....I am having my aorta replaced is that why mine has to be higher? Robin

SG, they may need more access to your ascending aorta above the valve.
Andy, My surgery is wednesday and I have noticed on your scar and Malibu's that it starts much lower then they had explained to me in my surgeon's office. They said it would start at the notch right at the top of my much higher than yours appears.....I am having my aorta replaced is that why mine has to be higher? Robin

Yes, though I'm not Andy.