A Little Trip To The ER

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Woke up this morning feeling great ... had breakfast ... showered, shaved and dressed for work ... I sat down to check my emails before leaving and it started ... pain behind the left shoulder blade, dull pain on the left side of the chest and tingling on the left side of the face and neck ... I had this once before about a year ago but it lasted only a few minutes, this time it continued ... I drove to the ER where I had my surgery ... chest xray, echo and CT with some dye that made me feel warm all over like I chugged a bottle of booze ... everything normal, blood work, everything ... they said it could be caused by a pulmonary adhesion but that there was no embolism ... lungs clear, valve working perfectly, heart and O2 function perfect .... just goes to show you ... ship happens ... I'm feeling OK just kind of hung over from the kryptonite dye:eek2: ... follow up with my cardio eight tomorrow morning ... crappy way to start the day.....
Make sure you drink a lot of water to flush that dye out of your system. That is what finally caused Joe's kidneys to completely fail. But he was in poor shape anyway.

Still flush it out and get rid of it.
I'm glad you are feeling better. Do drink that water as Nancy suggests. It was an expensive way to start the day as well. It was the only wise choice though. You did right.
That is crappy, but it's good you went to the ER. I'm hoping maybe some of your irregular beats were detected, too, so hopefully you might find out what's going on there. Wishing you all the best tomorrow!
Glad you're better. Not the way you want to start your day. Hope you have a productive meeting with your doctor; after all, something caused it. Now, back to the big flush!
Cooker, sending up prayers for you right now! Glad the preliminary signs seem okay but you were right as could be in heading to the ER and getting it checked out. Symptoms like that are nothing to mess with. Hope and pray cardio's visit goes well in the morning, and you will be fine....
Glad you are feeling better now and hope your appointment tomorrow tells you more. Good Luck.

I guess it shows once you are healed and on with your life - you still can have problems. This is definitely an educational site. Learning every day.

Cooker -

You may want to ask your Cardio about chewing a full (or half) regular aspirin if/when you feel 'funny symptoms'.

That's what I do whenever I get "visual effects", with my Cardio's blessing.
Gee, Cooker, you showed uncommon good sense in getting yourself right to the ER; I am pleasantly surprised! :smile2:
It is a crappy way to start the new work week, but hopefully all will be A-ok at the cardio's in the morning, and you will feel good before the day ends.
We'll be waiting for an update . . . .
Tom, hoping everything turns out to be okay for you. I saw another post where you'd asked about rhythm issues and I wanted to remind you that sometimes minerals can get out of balance, even from excessive sweating you know, or some medications can contribute to mineral imbalances, and this can contribute to some of these rhythm problems.

But also your post also got me to worrying about those valvular strands that Arlyss has written about, that her husband suffered with. I don't recall what specific test needs to be done to see those though.

Hoping you'll be fine :)
Sorry you had a scare, but happy things turned out okay (and you aren't still waiting to be seen).

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