A Little Trip To The ER

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Glad things turned out for the better Cooker...well besides having to spend the day at the hospital.


Have they ever figured out (through any kind of test) why you look like a monkey though, or have you just accepted the fact and learned to live with it?

:wink2: :biggrin2:
Hi everyone and thanks ... I already had an 8:00 appointment for my INR check and just figured I would see the cardio then ... he's on vacation and I did not want to sit around to see one of his associates so I tucked my INR under my arm and off to work I went ... put in a full day with no return of symptom and not any more tired than a usual day ... thanks for the concern, it really means a lot ... I will be taking some time off in a few days and recharge ... if anyone has any cool air send to South Carolina ... peace:cool2:
He better get himself in here and update those of us that are waiting not-so-patiently....
Oops! We posted at the same time! LOL

Sorry you didn't get to see your cardio, but glad you are feeling better today. Sounds like a little time off is exactly what is needed!
Glad you're doing okay, Mr. Chimp. As for heat, check out the Weather Channel. We are the cool spot in South Carolina for a change --- 93 here sounds sweet compared to 103 in Baltimore.

I thought about you while enjoying the scenery at the pool while I was riding the exercise bike. Not sure your ticker is up to this stress test -- I will continue taking it for you. :p

Take care!
Been thinking about you all day today Tom and real sorry you didn't get to see your Cardio.
Hope the up and coming R & R will get things back to normal for you, but in the mean time I hope your getting to bed early these days and at least trying to get some extra rest.

if anyone has any cool air send to South Carolina

Will you forward that hot weather in SC to IL, then, please????

Glad you are doing better now! :)

Cort | 36.m.IL | 5 Monte Carlos.1 Caprice Classic | pig valve.pacemaker * 07/24/2010=ChitownMeet #3 *
MCs.CC | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RoadTrips.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Ever been to Texas?" ... Conway Twitty ... 'Saturday Night Special'

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