80 yr old mother had mitral valve replaced

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We have had many good days and few not so good days too!! Mom did get into a Rehab hospital last week. She has been there 1 full week now. I was very frustrated at the beginning, but now am feeling a bit better. At one point a doc told me to plan for her to have 24 hr care everyday...I felt like I got hit by a truck. This doc made that statement after seeing my mom for 2 days. She was so weak in the hospital they didn't walk her much. In fact last Tues she walked 25 meters then 2-3 days later in rehab she walked 50 M 3 different times and they were wondering why she was so tired. I was like Oh my gosh do you not read the charts people!!!
I am hopeful we are now on the right path and Jeff I thank you for your post...you are very close to our situation other than my mom had a small stroke....but I think we are doing better every day.
This place is amazing and I am so glad I found you all. I wish you all the best.

It comes in baby steps. Each day, a step or two further then the last. I remember it well and thoroughly frustrated too. They told me I'd be in rehab for at least a month, which I found unacceptable. I told them no, 10 days. I worked my butt off, but they let me go home 10 days later.
It sounds as though your mom is doing very well, and I'm sure you're pleased with the progress she has made. It maybe slow, but it is steady.
I wish her the very best and hope you continue to keep us updated on her recovery.:)
WE have had setback. Mom had a TIA on Monday and then on Tuesday they said she was retaining fluid again and put her back into the hospital from the rehab hospital. I am hearing the term congestive heart failure a lot and wondering if the valve is not working correctly. Any advice or thoughts on this. We are in day 45 for mom....I feel so bad for her.
TIAs can happen. My husband had many of them. Most of the time they occur and nothing drastic happens. They can be from many things, miniscule clots, tiny bits of cholesterol or plaques that inhabit the circulatory system. They do not alway mean that a stroke is iminent, although your mom will no doubt be kept under careful watch and that is normal. She may even be asked to see a neurologist.

Congestive heart failure is something my husband had for years and years. It can be kept under control quite well with a strict low sodium diet and medications to keep the fluid off.

One has to be very vigilant with CHF. Your mom should develop a regimen of weighing herself every single day first thing in the morning after voiding and w/o clothing. This is important in assessing fluid gain. Too much weight gain within a 24 hour period is a reason to call the doctor and get an adjustment in dosage. Sudden weight gain is not fat. Fat takes a while to accumulate.

If fluid gain gets too far advanced, then diuretics in pill form will not work. Then it means a trip to the ER to have IV diuretics administered.

That is why keeping ahead of it is so important.

I helped Joe through every aspect of CHF so I do know that it can be controlled under most circumstances.
Forgot to mention. This may not be the case with your mom's rehab facility, but Joe had a horrible experience when in a rehab facility.

They would not do anything for his low sodium diet. They regularly fed him high sodium foods and lied to me and told me they were low sodium. I tasted them. They were not low sodium.

He gained 20 pounds of fluid in that rehab facility and it took him forever to get it off, not to mention jeopardizing his health.

So you may want to have a little sit down with the dietician of the rehab facility.

I can almost guarantee you that the dietician will not like that kind of meeting. They really don't want to mess around with heart patients and their problems. They want to get you rehabbed and out of there.

I think you will have to advocate for your mom on this score.
Very sorry to hear about your moms setback.

I experienced some TIA's several weeks after AVR. They effected one eye, like a window shade came down. There are always of concern but nothing came of mine.

Nancy, back when I had AVR, I never heard of rehab.
Guess that was because I didn't have surgery at a local hospital. In the last few years my local cardiologist has added a rehab facility.
Nancy thanks for your thoughts. It has been such a long road and I feel at times so beat down. Coming to this site and reading notes from people who have been there kind of help me so much....so thanks so much.

I felt better today after talking w/ a cardiologist [ not hers but one doing rounds for him].
I will keep everything you said in mind. I think when I heart CHF I panicked because I thought it was a death sentence!! My husband works in the home medical field and said oh no I have clients who have been my clients for years w/ CHF....but my middle school teacher mind was thinking the worst!!

I am hoping this was just a bump in the road.

Update...it has been a long time since I have updated, so I thought I would post one this morning.

Mom did another 8 days in the hospital because she was retaining fluid and she needed to be monitored while she got it out of her body.
She was moved back to our Rehab facility on the 10th of March and did fine....she has lost so much weight and strength that seems to be our problem now. Wish I knew of a quick way to gain strength and energy!!
Friday the 27th we moved her to a nursing home for her to gain more strength and get more Rehab as well. The food we hope is better too because mom does not have much of an appeitite, so she is not eating that much.
I am hoping things go well here. We have found out that mom only will have 20 days paid for by Medicare and then another 10 by her 2nd Ins. I am hoping that will get her far enough to go home or she may have to come and live here w/ us for a time too. Time will tell.
I do have a question for anyone that may have answers. Mom was wearing TED hose while in Rehab and Hospital, but now that she is in the Nursing Home she is not wearing them and I am concerned that she maybe should be wearing them. I know she is up and about more now but is still not doing much walking....so in my opinion they should be worn? any thoughts
Are TED hose compression stockings? If so, I would ask the Nursing Home to allow her to keep wearing them. I she can walk around a little they will help her to massage any fluid that might accumulate in her lower extremities out into her system. My husband has a damaged left foot and he wears his everyday to controlled swelling in his foot and leg since his work keeps him in a sitting position most of the time. Just my opinion. I'm sure others will pipe in soon. And as for the CHF, my mom had that for more than 40 years and with medication and diet she lived to be 78. So CHF is not a death sentence.
Update...it has been a long time since I have updated, so I thought I would post one this morning.

Mom did another 8 days in the hospital because she was retaining fluid and she needed to be monitored while she got it out of her body.
She was moved back to our Rehab facility on the 10th of March and did fine....she has lost so much weight and strength that seems to be our problem now. Wish I knew of a quick way to gain strength and energy!!
Friday the 27th we moved her to a nursing home for her to gain more strength and get more Rehab as well. The food we hope is better too because mom does not have much of an appeitite, so she is not eating that much.
I am hoping things go well here. We have found out that mom only will have 20 days paid for by Medicare and then another 10 by her 2nd Ins. I am hoping that will get her far enough to go home or she may have to come and live here w/ us for a time too. Time will tell.
I do have a question for anyone that may have answers. Mom was wearing TED hose while in Rehab and Hospital, but now that she is in the Nursing Home she is not wearing them and I am concerned that she maybe should be wearing them. I know she is up and about more now but is still not doing much walking....so in my opinion they should be worn? any thoughts

Your Mom MUST Eat and Walk if she ever hopes to get her energy back. It will NOT come back by laying around in bed 'waiting and hoping' she will feel better.

She also needs to force herself to do the Breathing Exercises to expand her lungs and force out any fluid retention in the lungs. My Physician's Assistant told me to use the Incentive Spirometer for 10 minutes every 2 hours I was awake. I would literally push until I felt the fluid being squeezed out of my chest cavity. Fluid in the Lungs can lead to Pneumonia. NOT GOOD!

On Eating:

One Surgeon I know tells his post-op patients to Eat ANYTHING that appeals to them, just to get some nourishment. If that means someone running to the nearest Deli or Fast Food Joint, so be it. Worry about a Healthy Diet after recovery. It nothing is appealing, she needs to force herself to at least nibble on something throughout the day.

On Walking:

Her Muscles will atrophy if she doesn't get up and move around. "Use it or Lose it" applies here!

It takes time, LOTS OF TIME, to regain one's energy but it begins with a few small steps, repeated as often as possible. Whenever she feels the least bit of energy, she needs to get up and move about as much as she can, then rest when her energy is gone. A few steps several times a day will show Slow but Steady Improvement. Every day she should be able to take a few more steps than the day before (with some setbacks). Ideally, she should see some progress on a Week by Week basis.

SHE needs to play an Active Part in her Recovery.
If she expects to get better only from the Therapy and Nursing Care, she may Never Get There. She may need encouragement to build her Will-Power. A Positive Attitude and Desire to get better is probably the single most important part of a Successful Recovery.

Hoping for the Best,

'AL Capshaw'
I was told to keep my hose on for two weeks after I got home. The more I walked the less they would have to stay on.

Have you thought about Carnation Instant Breakfast and/or Ensure? My dad is drinking the Ensure and my son was on it for a year while he was in a coma. You can literally live on Ensure. My dad really likes it chilled.

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