Sunshine susan
Well-known member
If anyone reads this and for those of you facing this surgery, do not be disheartened. There can be problems, but it can also be quite problem free. During this time, I haven't changed anything really. I eat what I want (well, I don't worry about the coumadin affect anyway) and my INR is checked monthly. I very rarely waver from the appropriate range. Due to insurance issues, I had to change from Coumadin to Warfarin and never skipped a issues at all. And I had heard stories...
I work very hard and long hours in what has become a very stressful career---banking! I exercise as best I can, but not routinely as time is limited.
I have basically had no issues or heart-related illnesses in these past 10 years. I do have some mitral valve leakage, but my cardio says that right now the surgery presents more risk than the leakage. So I will sit tight.
I AM ten years older and do tire more easily but don't consider that heart related....I do enough to tire out a much younger person.
I have wondered numerous times had I chosen a tissue valve, would I now be marking time to another surgery (or would I already have had one). I am glad I chose mechanical so I don't have to think about that. "Blood thinners" and all that goes with it is no big deal, especially compared to a second surgery. I have learned from this web-site low these 10 years that second surgeries aren't the breeze first ones can be.
If this post has helped someone (even one) trudge forward or eased someone's fears, then it was worth the time it has taken. Yes, open heart surgery is scary and not to be taken lightly. But it doesn't have to be can create wonderful New Beginnings.
To all those waiting, will do fine. Take it easy, and don't try to do too much too soon. And stay in touch at this has it all. Hank and Ross and all the contributors are wonderful! Good luck to you all!
Blessings, Sue