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  1. P

    Barostim ???

    Another update (am I just ASKING for bad karma?) I had my Barostim adjusted two days ago. After two adjustments, I was told that I am now in therapeutic range. The rep will see me in six months. During that time, I'll get a better feel for what 'therapeutic range' actually means - beyond the...
  2. P

    Test Strip M-44 Error

    I ran into a strange problem a few months ago -- I have an XS Pro (Professional model - more meter than I actually need, and sometimes use it to compare readings to my XS). The Pro will take a chip and store the information until a new chip is inserted. My XS started giving me a strange error...
  3. P

    Barostim ???

    Either my feet shank or my shoes grew. The shoes are about an inch or so too long. I didn't even realize that I HAD edema in my feet - they looked okay to me. Or, perhaps, I've got to put my shoes in a diet. I keep bumping into things when I wear these shoes. Until these shoes grow shorter...
  4. P

    Barostim ???

    Maybe gushing about how well this is working got me the whammy from someone here. Maybe it's the Evil Eye. Maybe I'm just fantasizing a bit too much. Maybe it's just a cold or flu - BUT - I've been short of breath for the last few days and haven't been feeling all that well. Maybe it's the...
  5. P

    Barostim ???

    More: I hate to be updating observations on my Barostim - but I'm overcoming this hatred: Yesterday, I went to my Balance Rehab. It often involves some physical effort - moving around, stepping over and around obstacles, some strength work - stuff like that. In the past, I would get winded...
  6. P

    Barostim ???

    It might be good for anyone with CHF - especially those with very low ejection fractions. The problem may be that this might only be available in select areas - to do it right, you need reps that can supervise the surgery, then make the adjustments. If this was available all over, there may be...
  7. P

    Barostim ???

    UPDATE: It's been almost four weeks since the Barostim was installed. The Steristrips on my neck came off (my neck hairs poked through them - not comfortable but maybe they helped loosen the strips). The strips over my chest (just below the clavicle) are still there -- when I get brave, I'll...
  8. P

    Warfarin Prescription and Anticoagulation Service

    Caroline - I think this is the point -- not all doctors will prescribe warfarin -- they prefer to hand it off to the 'services' or will prescribe based on the services' results. Finding a PCP who trusts that you (the self tester) can take control of your life and only involve the PCP for a...
  9. P

    Warfarin Prescription and Anticoagulation Service

    My (now former - I have to find a new one) PCP had no issues with prescribing Warfarin - with refills. I proved to him that I CAN self-test and self-manage my anticoagulation, and he prescribed it for me. Here in California, there's a database of medications - if you're in California (and maybe...
  10. P

    Warfarin Prescription and Anticoagulation Service

    I'm also on Part G. I used to be on a Medicare 'Advantage' plan - but I got tired of fighting them over the cardiologist I wanted to see, and requiring preapproval for virtually EVERYTHING. My part G is awfully expensive, but at least I don't have to hassle them over who to see and what...
  11. P

    Shaving - is Double Edge worth the risk?

    Yes. Those are the injector blades for the injection razor that Schick was handing out at the UCLA Student Union. IIRC, 7 blades were a dollar or two at the time (50+ years ago).
  12. P

    Shaving - is Double Edge worth the risk?

    Yes. Those are the blades. Most commonly, for the past 65 - probably more -- years, they were called double edged blades at least that's h ow they were advertised in the U.S. These went into a safety razor. If you look at Amazon, they're called Double Edge. I believe that King Gillette, who...
  13. P

    Shaving - is Double Edge worth the risk?

    I'm not clear about which 'thin metal blades' you're referring to - double edge blades or the ones in the multiblade cartridges? The Schick blades -- are THESE a cartridge, or the injector type (single edge), or a double edge? It's not clear to this dummy. Also - the environmental argument...
  14. P

    Barostim ???

    This is the fourth day after the Barostim was implanted. The first night was a bit rough - a lot of coughing -- but this was good, because it seemed to clear the congestion that was in my lungs. My wife told me that my color improved. I still get out of breath, and dizzy sometimes, but not...
  15. P

    Shaving - is Double Edge worth the risk?

    To me, memories of my father shaving, I'm concerned about deeper or more frequent nicks than with a 25 blade razor. Although I keep my INR around 3.0, and I know I won't bleed to death from an occasional nick, any nick would be unwelcomed. I don't know if double edge nicks would be deeper than...
  16. P

    Shaving - is Double Edge worth the risk?

    Andy -- yes, a blade on both sides. I'm a bit concerned about the cutting angle, and especially concerned about the sides -- I don't know if the side edges, where the blade ends and goes into the razor, are sharp enough to snag the skin and cause cuts. I remember that my father occasionally...
  17. P

    unexpected new warning on my new warfarin supply

    This person was talking about the On-X recommendation of 1.5-1.8, with an 18mg aspirin daily.
  18. P

    Roller Coaster replaces Merry Go Round - Aortic fibrillation

    From what I've seen, working through the Barostim site and various other sites on the Internet, this IS something of a breakthrough for people with severe CHF that was beyond just being helped with medicines. It's for people, like me, whose ejection fractions are below 30 or so, and having...
  19. P

    Shaving - is Double Edge worth the risk?

    This is a strange one - even for me. I used to shave my face every few days - maybe as long as a week or so between shaves. I was always scruffy. For the past few months, I've been shaving daily. I've upped my game a little - actually using a brush and mug to lather my face. It's an...
  20. P

    unexpected new warning on my new warfarin supply

    There is NO ADVANTAGE to following the ridiculous protocol that On-X recommends. Maintaining an INR above at least 2.0, and ideally around 2.5 will be more protection against strokes. As far as bleeding risks between 1.5 and 2.0 -- you won't see any. You'll live your life the same with 2.5 as...