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  1. N

    A Little Trip To The ER

    Make sure you drink a lot of water to flush that dye out of your system. That is what finally caused Joe's kidneys to completely fail. But he was in poor shape anyway. Still flush it out and get rid of it.
  2. N

    I wish I never lived

    I am sorry to hear of your very tough situation. There may be other opportunities for you. You have to get creative in your thinking. Have a neighbor who was a dentist, and a good one. He developed a tumor on his spine which had to be removed. It saved his life but left him with a spine...
  3. N

    Doctor wants to adjust my dose.

    you have a mitral valve mechanical, right? Isn't your range supposed to be 2.5-3.5 ?? Sounds like you are right within your range to me.
  4. N

    Phone interview

    He'll be in my prayers for a very successful interview and for getting the job he sounds well qualified for.
  5. N

    Crabby Old Man

    It brought tears to my eyes. In the last days of Joe's life, he looked very old and sick. To me, he was still the great guy I met and fell in love with, only ravaged with illness. To one of his nurses, he was just an old, sick, pain in the ass. I had words with that person. And the next day I...
  6. N

    Should I be alarmed ?

    According to what you have said, while in the hospital, they gave him antibiotics for a day or so, and then stopped, and during that time or prior to it, they had done an echo to look for signs of infection or endocarditis. I am assuming that nothing like that was found. I think there is a...
  7. N

    Why bridging?

    The types of Heparin they use for bridging leave the system very quickly, not like Coumadin which takes about 3 days to react in your system. So they can bridge you up close to the time when you will need the procedure and then can withdraw it fast and get the procedure done, and put you back on...
  8. N

    Mass General Has Nailed Down My Medical Problems...For Sure And FINALLY!!!

    I'm pretty sure they will cover it, if the tests all show that it will help. When they do the cath, they will do a drug challenge which will show what will work for you. In order to get Joe's insurance to cover it, the doctor had to write a little grant proposal (sort of), but when it was...
  9. N

    Mass General Has Nailed Down My Medical Problems...For Sure And FINALLY!!!

    This was a duplicate post, sorry.
  10. N

    Mass General Has Nailed Down My Medical Problems...For Sure And FINALLY!!!

    I understand why you are scared. Joe was also just before he was to take all the tests necessary and get started on his new regimen of medications. As we were driving to the hospital to see his PH specialist for the first time, he was feeling just awful and looked it too, he was sort of a bluish...
  11. N

    Mass General Has Nailed Down My Medical Problems...For Sure And FINALLY!!!

    Harry, Joe was on Tracleer, Isosorbide and a LOT of diuretics (Lasix, sometimes Aldactone and sometimes Zaroxolyn) plus a whole lot of other things. His stomach area still got blown up with fluid from time to time (portal hypertention), his legs also. But for the most part it was OK. But because...
  12. N

    Mass General Has Nailed Down My Medical Problems...For Sure And FINALLY!!!

    Harry, you may find that some of the weight you are carrying is fluid. Severe PH untreated, causes massive amounts of fluid, mainly in the form of ascites CHF (around the abdomen). Once that is under control, you may lose some of that weight.
  13. N

    What if they can't repair my valve?

    Well, they certainly aren't going to go in there and if they can't do a repair, just close you up again. They will then do a replacement for you, since something has to be done.
  14. N

    Mass General Has Nailed Down My Medical Problems...For Sure And FINALLY!!!

    I had a feeling the PH would be at the root of your problems, you had all the symptoms. And, now you know why I always stress that if PH is anywhere in your medical records, you have to see a specialist. Your old doctors didn't have clue one about PH, what it is, how it reacts, and what to do...
  15. N


    great news!
  16. N

    Had Echo done on Wednesday!

    Echos are very subjective, having a lot to do with the techniques of the tech. I would wait for the doctor's interpretation. They really aren't all that accurate as others have mentioned. They can be off by quite a bit.
  17. N

    Bloody Urine - What color(s)?

    So, you did go in and it is a UTI, right. Did they give you any medications for it?
  18. N

    Bloody Urine - What color(s)?

    Sounds like dehydration. It would be pretty easy to find out. Hydrate yourself throughout the day today and see if it improves. You can lose a lot of fluid just sweating and that is probably what happened. I think it's good to have your urine be close to straw color. So aim for that.
  19. N

    Any of you ever had a thyroid fine needle biopsy?

    I think it is important to check your thyroid out. I have had these tests to see if there were any cancer cells. so far, so good. But I could be facing surgery soon, and even though I have had several fine needle tests and several CT scans, my thyroid is very large and could still contain cancer...
  20. N

    Any of you ever had a thyroid fine needle biopsy?

    Yes, I have had that done several times. They numb your neck with Novocaine or something similar and then go in with the fine needle and take several samples. It isn't too bad at all. You have to stay very still while they put the needle in, and you might feel some pressure. I have a very large...