Well-known member
Had a sudden cardiac arrest death syndrome attack in March been off work since then Doctors told me that i should be lucky that im alive and i should be dead. i'm almost back to normal, but i just found out today that i will never go back to work as a police officer because they installed a stupid defibrillator in my chest and when i shoot my fire arm it might set it off thanks for telling me that part before they put it in me. I ask him to take it back out so i could go back to work as a cop but he wouldnt listen to me (it will save my life) he says and to start another profession ( it's so f***ing easy for him to say that) I've been a police officer since i was 19yrs old now im 33 yrs old what the hell am i suppose to do now serve friggin hot dogs.. this sucks really sucks im so pissed off now i love being a cop and now im done dead weight at my department a has been that no one will remember just some washed up cop im useless at home cant do much,, this really sucks