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  1. L

    Trending toward tissue?

    Being 4 weeks post op and only 49 years old, I am 100 percent happy with my mechanical valve. I am at one of the greatest medical centers in the world and I have one of the best surgeons in the world, so I trusted their opinions and once they opened me up, I had some very major major problems...
  2. L

    10-Year AVR Anniversary

    What an awesome post. It gives me hope and makes me feel better as it's been a little bit of a rough week for me this 3rd week post op. I am so glad I went mechanical as I can't ever imagine another OHS. The more I read I don't think I'd want to think about a 2nd or 3rd surgery. The ticking...
  3. L

    Did anyone have a weight loss from surgery?

    It is definitely strange. All these little side effects. Come on one year post op!
  4. L

    Did anyone have a weight loss from surgery?

    So does the appetite eventually pick back up? I have lots of wt to lose so I am not complaining. I will be 4 wks post op next Tuesday, but I still do not want to eat. The things that I have wanted have been Fudgesicles and water. I can't keep my Fudgesicles because hubby eats them all. Did...
  5. L

    TakeStock's MV Repair was successful

    Congrats Bill....I am glad everything is good. Get home and you can get on here and compare with Carole and I.
  6. L

    when I breathe in

    Girl, it seems it is all these things that make this surgery so bad. I am sitting here right now just going bezerk with my shirt touching my incision. It isn't even the sternum is another incision they had to make for tubes to go in to evacuate my heart or something to that effect...
  7. L

    when I breathe in

    Carole, I had it for about a week and also on my right side. My pulmonologist said it was fluid and to use my spirometer as often as possible. I even made a follow up appt with my pulmonologist for Friday just to check my lungs, etc. I was so messed up they kept a team of pulmonary docs on my...
  8. L

    The step is higher for the new surgery

    Very scary.....I never really realized or thought about that. I hope they got everything on me the first time. Good luck to you.
  9. L


    I finally broke down and used vitamin E capsles. I broke several open last night and rubbed them all over the outside of the incision. I fee like a new person. Doc might not be happy about it if he ever found out, but I am the one living with it. Thanks for all the advice. I think I will try...
  10. L


    I was always afraid of going because I thought I might get myself into a pose and they would have to deliver me to my husband at the front door locked in the pose. I love the peace and tranquility it brings however.
  11. L


    Don't worry about your balance. When my mom was dying of ovarian cancer, we decided to take Tai Chi. I was so worried about my balance as was my mom. It all worked itsself out and we loved it. We had so much fun and felt so good. We laughed at each other and ourselves. Mom has passed on but...
  12. L


    I will bring whatever is needed. Name the time!
  13. L

    Help ME!

    I am so glad you are okay. I have always taken Amoxicillan for dental work and have never had any issues except having to get all those pills down. I think Keflex is a little strong. It is so hard post op. There's so many things to learn. You don't want to worry, but it's impossible not to...
  14. L


    I am definitely going to get something tomorrow. It is the outside of the incision and not the incision itsself, so it should not matter. It also feels extremely numb on the outside of the scar as well. Oh what a few weeks will tell....I am counting them down.
  15. L


    I've actually been doing that. I get in and then turn up the hot water. I took two showers today just to stop the itching. First shower I used soap but kept the soap off second shower just to keep from drying it out.
  16. L


    Glad to see this thread is still alive and well.....I needed to laugh tonight.
  17. L

    Today's results

    Girl, It's all going to work out. God won't bring us this far and then let something like the coumadin mess it up for us. I too am hoping for a home tester. I am going to talk with him Friday, but can't guarantee what he'll agree to. Keep the will get better. Trina
  18. L

    80 yr old mother had mitral valve replaced

    I was told to keep my hose on for two weeks after I got home. The more I walked the less they would have to stay on. Have you thought about Carnation Instant Breakfast and/or Ensure? My dad is drinking the Ensure and my son was on it for a year while he was in a coma. You can literally live on...
  19. L

    My historic day 50th valvsaversary

    Congrats. What a fabulous milestone. I know you must live life to its fullest each day. I was thinking yesterday.....I was born 49 years ago at only 6 mos. utero. I weighed 2 lb. and 8 oz. and the baby isolette had just been invented. I had my OHS at the same hospital 3 weeks ago. This...
  20. L


    I can't imagine.....I mean I love my hubby and all, but I think I'd rather be re-intubated again than even think about sex......hehe!