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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2008
A Southern Girl!
I took my pre meds today for a dental appointment as always she gave me four I took 2 at 12:30pm today. Then all He!! broke loose I broke out in a red rash all over me got hot and stomach was hurting. I have take this Keflex before with no problems I took 1000mg. I called my drugest and he told me to take some benadryl I took baby size. I was shaking all over and cold my back was killing me I went to bed just got up. Now my heart is racing at about 95 bpm It is never that high at resting rate. My BP is 111/70 it is good. Should I have not taken Benadryl? I am scared now! Not red anymore or shaking just cold! Of course heart clinic has never called back I just had to go with my pharmasy( i know that is not how to spell it) I am going to eat a potato and some soup! Any ideas!
Benadryl was a good idea to take to stop the alergic reaction you had whether from Keflex or anything else you might have taken before. A long time ago, my face and body flushed and starting swelling after having taken Niacin by one hour. Benadryl was the cure!

Did you take any new vitamin or eaten any fruits with 'tiny hair' like kiwi?! my nephews is allergic to Kiwi and peaches and all 'soft haired' fruits!!

Your BP is for your pulse, I am not sure what it is normally at reast, but it is fine to me....mine is always in the upper 80-95 while resting since surgery!

I hope you will receive more advice from others:)

Curious questions: Why Keflex not Amoxicillin...Keflex is strong for me!
I would say good thing you took the benedryl. Don't take that antibiaotic again. I take clyndamiacin (sp). I have never had any trouble w/it. I sure hope you got straightened out. Benedryl should not make your heart race. I was allowed to take that before my ablation and I had SVTs. They are going to have to call something else in for you for your dental appointments. Best of luck to you.
I think the Keflex will soon be out of your system so I wouldn't worry too much. I would make sure that both your dentist and primary physician know you suffered a reaction to the antibiotic so neither one prescribes it again.
Eva, not to worry about the niacin. flushing of face, neck is a side effect of niacin.

on the other hand, terodac, you probly should not ever take Keflex again. be sure you mention this to your doctor and it ought to be entered in your permanent records and when they ask if you are allergic to anything, that'll be it. ask your dr if you should wear a bracelet with the info on it. not to scare you, but you really need to speak with your medical dr about it for the future.
Now my bp is 99/66 but my heart rate has gone up to 110! Should I go to the ER? I just took my norvas 2.5 mg. What do you think?
If a higher than normal rate is all that is going on, I would not go to the ER if it were me. However, if you are having difficulty breathing or dizzy or other issues, it certainly couldn't hurt and would, at least, make you more at ease.
Now my bp is 99/66 but my heart rate has gone up to 110! Should I go to the ER? I just took my norvas 2.5 mg. What do you think?

Just a may call your cardio's or GP's office...the answering service will take your question and relay it to your doctor or the doctor-on-call after office hours and someone will call you back. Make sure to tell them you are very concerned and need an advice.
I thank all of you so much, I am now feeling better heart rate is down and bp good. I really thought I was going to die today! It was just horriable! I have been through a lot but I have learned a big lesson today for sure. I was so scared, red and shaking! I am going to be early and I really hope I am better tomorrow! Thanks again for your help! I hate the ER and I was really worried about even going there! I knew it was that keflex! God Bless!
I am so glad you are okay. I have always taken Amoxicillan for dental work and have never had any issues except having to get all those pills down. I think Keflex is a little strong.

It is so hard post op. There's so many things to learn. You don't want to worry, but it's impossible not to worry.

I will be so glad when life is back to normal....whatever that might be.

I think we all need to get together and go on a retreat. I told Carole we need a retreat with awesome, comfortable beds, 24-hour massage, incredible meals that don't play with your appetite and taste buds, and just pure relaxation.

Do you think Oprah would send us all somewhere?
Once you have been exposed to any substance you can have an allergic reaction to the substance especially, people.who are allergy prone .
I know from experience how easily this can happen. Your body has to build-up antibodies to something before you can react to it the next time you are exposed.:D

A cardiologist gave me a fold-out Wallet Card with the American Heart Association (AHA) recommendations for Endocarditis Prophylaxis.

For Dental and Esophageal Procedures

1. Standard general prophylaxis for patients at risk:
AMOXICILLIN: Adults 2.0 gram orally 1 hour before procedure
2. Unable to take Oral Drugs:
Ampicillin 2.0 gram given IM or IV within 30 minutes
3. Amoxicillin / ampicillin / penicillin Allergic Patients:
CLINDAMYCIN: Adults 600 mg orally 1 hour before procedure, OR,
CEPHALEXIN: Adults 2.0 gram given orally 1 hour before procedure, OR,
AZITHROMYCIN: Adults 500 mg orally one hour before procedure

There is a separate listing for GI procedures.

Note: KEFLEX is NOT recommended for Endocarditis Prophylaxis

'AL Capshaw'

p.s. I agree with the others. BOTH your PCP and Cardiologist (and Dentist) need to know about this reaction to Keflex. Developing sensitivity to AntiBiotics is a known problem that is typically addressed by changing antibiotics.
i had to take antibiotics when had a dental procedure before my op,since then my cardio doctor and dentist says theres new regulations out saying that people who have had new valves etc need not to take anti any more as the risk is greater causing other problems than covering them,i was worried about this but there showed me the report from the heart assoc stating these facts,what do other people think about this?
sounds like you had an allergic reaction, obviously talk to your doctor about it. Even though you have taken this med before sometimes it takes a couple of exposures to develop a reaction. Benadryl should help but may make you very tired. Take care.
i had to take antibiotics when had a dental procedure before my op,since then my cardio doctor and dentist says theres new regulations out saying that people who have had new valves etc need not to take anti any more as the risk is greater causing other problems than covering them,i was worried about this but there showed me the report from the heart assoc stating these facts,what do other people think about this?

I have tissue valve and my cardio, PCP, surgeon dentist and I are all in agreement I take amoxicillan before all dental work.
i had to take antibiotics when had a dental procedure before my op,since then my cardio doctor and dentist says theres new regulations out saying that people who have had new valves etc need not to take anti any more as the risk is greater causing other problems than covering them,i was worried about this but there showed me the report from the heart assoc stating these facts,what do other people think about this?

I discussed this with my dentist and cardiologist...they both insisted that I premedicate before any dental work!
A cardiologist gave me a fold-out Wallet Card with the American Heart Association (AHA) recommendations for Endocarditis Prophylaxis.

For Dental and Esophageal Procedures

1. Standard general prophylaxis for patients at risk:
AMOXICILLIN: Adults 2.0 gram orally 1 hour before procedure
2. Unable to take Oral Drugs:
Ampicillin 2.0 gram given IM or IV within 30 minutes
3. Amoxicillin / ampicillin / penicillin Allergic Patients:
CLINDAMYCIN: Adults 600 mg orally 1 hour before procedure, OR,
CEPHALEXIN: Adults 2.0 gram given orally 1 hour before procedure, OR,
AZITHROMYCIN: Adults 500 mg orally one hour before procedure

There is a separate listing for GI procedures.

Note: KEFLEX is NOT recommended for Endocarditis Prophylaxis

'AL Capshaw'

p.s. I agree with the others. BOTH your PCP and Cardiologist (and Dentist) need to know about this reaction to Keflex. Developing sensitivity to AntiBiotics is a known problem that is typically addressed by changing antibiotics.


Cephalexin is the generic name for Keflex (my pharmacy background kicking in). :D

The only time I've had an allergic reaction to a drug/antibiotic was when my doctor put me on Septra for one of my many symptoms (prostatitis) that were subtle indicators that I had endocarditis. I was supposed to take it for 2 weeks, and I took it for 8 days before my system started to react to the drug and I broke out in hives. I took Benadryl right away and called my doctor. He changed the Septra to a broad spectrum antibiotic and put me on a Medrol Dosepack. That did the the first few days on a Medrol Dosepack are always fun. :D
I have been taking cephalexin (Keflex) for years to prevent endocarditis. I am allergic to just about everything else used.

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