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  1. Christina

    Who has gotten the H1N1 (swine) flu shot?

    Do You Know What Fast Tracked Vaccines Are? Do You Know What Fast Tracked Vaccines Are? I posted this as a thread all by itself but believe it is important enough to be posted in this thread as well. The article was written by: NATIVE HEALTH NEWS OCTOBER 2009 Bevonne Birch, Native...
  2. Christina

    Do you know what Fast-Tracked Vaccines are?

    This is a newsletter I receive once a month with information that all of us can use from time to time. This is one of them, especially with the swine flu going on and whether we should go ahead and get a swine flu shot or not. I personally will not get a swine flu nor a regular flu shot and have...
  3. Christina

    How has a Valve Replacement Changed your Life

    What type of surgery did you have? Two back to back AVR's 11 days apart. What were your symptons before surgery? Very tired, irritable and going down hill quickly. How has your life changed since the surgery? My life didn't change much at all since my surgery. It took me a while to recuperate...
  4. Christina


    Yes, finally cool temps arrived in AZ. I am liking this.:)
  5. Christina

    Who has gotten the H1N1 (swine) flu shot?

    I had a regular flu shot years ago and never after that. I have been fine and I am NOT going to consent to have a swine flu shot ever. No one can tell you exactly what's in it. More people die of the vaccinations than of the actual flu. Think about it!
  6. Christina

    Ten years of having fun..!!

    Congrats Janie on your 10 years. Yes, we are the oltzheimers. I am just a year behind you. I just celebrated my 9th. I wish you many, many good years. Keep dancing my friend.
  7. Christina

    Tooth Ache

    I had two extractions with an INR of 2.5. I had two extractions with an INR of 2.5. Lisou, I just had two extractions done a couple weeks ago with an INR of 2.5 and there was little or no bleeding. My regular dentist wanted me off Coumadin as well but I refused and went to an oral...
  8. Christina

    Probiotic Supplements?

    Super Shield by Blue Rock Holistics. Super Shield by Blue Rock Holistics. When it becomes necessary for me to take antibiotics I always make sure I have a good probiotic on hand because there are probiotics and probiotics and I take it an hour before or an hour after I take the antibiotic. I...
  9. Christina

    Endocarditis stories

    All went well. All went well. All went well today with the two extractions. No bleeding to speak of, and I was able to stay on Coumadin with an INR of 2.5. The anesthesia has worn off now and I can feel it alright. It is throbbing. I took another pain pill just now and I couldn't wait to take...
  10. Christina

    The Violinist.

    VERY PROFOUND! Perception Washington, D.C. Metro Station on a cold January morning in 2007. The man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time approx. two thousand people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After three...
  11. Christina

    Endocarditis stories

    I have a date with the oral surgeon tomorrow at 1PM. I am a bit anxious and am not looking forward to this. Hope all goes well. INR down to 2.8 today. Checking again tomorrow morning but 2.8 is close enough. I'll tell the surgeon 2.5. He'll never know the difference. I am the one testing and in...
  12. Christina

    Endocarditis stories

    Hi Roger, I cannot stand gargling with Hydrogen Peroxide. It foams up and makes me sick to the point that I throw up. It also makes my teeth hurt. My husband says the same thing so we discontinued using the stuff. But I know a lot of people using this and it seems to work for them. That's a...
  13. Christina

    Endocarditis stories

    Dear Gail,:) I have been reading all the posts on BE and it terrifies me. Your story sounds so scary and you must have gone through hell. I am so glad you made it through because many do not. BE can be deadly! Did you experience any side effects from the heavy doses of antibiotics? Did you get...
  14. Christina

    Endocarditis stories

    Today was a good day! Today was a good day! Just want to let you all know that you must stay the course and plead your case again and again when it comes to interrupting your anticoagulation therapy for minor surgeries. As I told you a few days ago I am to have two extractions soon and the...
  15. Christina

    Endocarditis stories

    I chose this surgeon because a VR. friend recommended him and told me he'll accept patients and doesn't take them off Coumadin. Well, as soon as he heard that I am taking 17mg (down from 26) of Coumadin per day I think he got wet feet and changed his mind. The other one which was mentioned takes...
  16. Christina

    Endocarditis stories

    Need Two Extractions. Need Two Extractions. Because of a faulty installed bridge in 2006, (never seated well the first year after installation) The bridge fell out completely in 2007, was cemented back in and seated better after that but now the first and the last tooth that hold the bridge...
  17. Christina

    Tobagotwo's Surgery Over

    Welcome home Bob! Happy to see you did okay. Was thinking about ya!:D
  18. Christina

    Tobagotwo's avr is Tuesday, August 25

    I don't know what's going on. What did I miss? Bob, wishing you the best outcome and letting you know that we'll be here waiting for you when you get there. Prayers are coming your way my friend.
  19. Christina

    Nine Year Anniversary.

    Thanks!!!! Thanks!!!! A very big Thank You to all of you who replied to my 9 year valversary and wished me well. It brought a big smile to my face and remembered the ones I met at the reunions, Janie, Ann, Jim, Mary. My friend Crystal I see quite frequently at our weekly luncheons in...
  20. Christina

    What is the "Pillow" business about?

    Your heart pillow will be your best friend after surgery during an evil sneeze and coughing spell. Don't leave home without it!:D:D