Ten years of having fun..!!

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 9, 2001
Texas Hill Country
What's the old saying, "My how time flies when you're having fun.."

Hank found me on another website when I had a question right after surgery. He invited me to join his listserve along with a few other folks and we commiserated about our predicaments and compared experiences. I remain friends with those folks even today -- there is a bond mostly unexplainable - except that the word compassion reigns supreme.

My real heros are those oldtimers who share with us, especially RCB and Marty.;) We have folks who are medically well versed and folks who are compassionately well versed with each sharing equal importance.

I'm really fortunate to have only had an AVR with no medical issues since then. My sincere compassion goes out to all you very young guys and gals who I surely hope will be as lucky as I have been in these last 10 years and looking forward to many, many more.

I used to say when someone confided in me about a serious issue in their lives that "none of us have any guarantees"....dang, I just didn't know it was gonna turn around and bite me in the butt..!!:D

But, the big deal is that most all of us make it through and find a happier life through a better appreciation of the world around us and everyone in it -- I know I have.
Felicidades Amiga!

Here's hoping & praying that you celebrate many more valversaries such as this one & continue to feel well & keep on enjoying life to the fullest. :)

Salud!! :)
Hi Janie,

Congrats on your milestone of 10 years with your still new valve!!!

I hope you have many more in the future.

And... being in the true Texas spirit... Get out there... Kick up ya heels, and Celebrate this Special Day!

All the best to you,

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I only hope I can be as lucky as you.

What a wonderful post!!!!

Hooray for you!! Dance and be merry!! This is surely a great day to smile!!

There's a place in our hearts that bring us all together here. Our hearts! Thanks for sharing yours all these years.

Congratulations my dear friend. Without both of our surgeries and our need for VR.Com so many years ago, I wouldn't have been able to meet you and enjoy your company on so many occasions. You're right, after going through such an ordeal, we do start to appreciate the world around us a bit more. All we can do is appreciate each day on earth and live our lives to the fullest. Have a great evening out with Mike! :)
Janie, Congratulations on 10 years!! Glad you hung around to tell and share with us. May you have many, many more to come. Hope your doing something FUN celebrating you milestone!! Party GIRL!!! :)
Hey Sheza.....

Wow, time really does fly!!! May you have many more valvaversaries!!! I can't believe it is 7+ for my husband either.

Congratulations and good health.

Congrats Janie on your 10 years. Yes, we are the oltzheimers. I am just a year behind you. I just celebrated my 9th.
I wish you many, many good years.
Keep dancing my friend.

It is great to hear that you're doing so well all these years later. I'm still in The Waiting Room, and folks like you are a wonderful inspiration for all of us still waiting.

May you have so many more great years that we stop counting!
Congrats on ten years, Janie ... And thanks for all you bring to the table ... wishing you many, many more ... if you find yourself in the trees swing by and say hello:D... ChimpHugs

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