This my friends is what made me so very ill i landed in hospital
today and they found a reaction i am having to not a probiotics
pill but the DanActive probiotic drinks

...Oh man i was very ill my
stomache swelled and my bowel movements went right stupid.
They thought with the acute pain i had a ruptured cyst.. or a cyst
This well take some time to get outta my system,ive been drinking
them for less than a month,but pain come on intense since the 4th
oct and 13th i was dying in pain,an ultrasound picked this up for me
today and no more probiotics for me.
I have never been so ill,but learned a lesson for myself i thought
i was gonna seriously die the pain was constant and in the tummy.
My Doc asked me why i had drank probiotics and i wonder why too
now,i got a worse infection and now have to treat this and my tummys
constant pain since the 13th,just never put it together regarding myself
with probiotics...i always learn the hard way

So lesson learned and be careful didnt agree with me,but maybe pill
forms different but i dont want to find out either.Just thought id share my
experience with the drink and anything i pressed my body to,desk at work
etc im bruised and bruises hurt but not checking inr till sunday,so dont
know if it effected me yet that way.....Careful with probiotic drinks