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I don't know if anyone else has written this, but it seems to me that writing to this forum, essentially calling out for help
Actually it's drama and attention.

He's the victim.
I'll save you some time. Did you know:
  • He's not living in the USA
  • Hasn't got health insurance
  • Hasn't got a job
  • Hasn't got a girlfriend
All of the above points also happens to describe me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Exactly. I was basing my reply on what I have read here. I have to say, this forum has been so informative. I went to the Reddit valve replacement forum and it has nothing on this place. People here seem far more educated on everything that goes with their respective heart issues, and their valve replacements. I love the perspective I get here.
I'm already depressed in suicide I'm afraid the valve replacement is just going to press my depression to unsustainable levels. I don't want to die of heart failure either so I'm thinking about overdosing on medication that seems like the easiest way to terminate existence I hate being alive absolutely hate it I despise it I want out immediately.
If you say you are afraid the valve replacement will make you even more depressed and the only alternative is suicide first, what do you have to lose by having the surgery? Maybe you will be pleasantly surprised...
If you say you are afraid the valve replacement will make you even more depressed
just letting you know, that this guy has a long history (since day one basically, so nearly 5 years) of this behaviour.

He's an attention seeker and a stupid one at that. The thing he's really afraid of is being booted off a forum (which he's informed us of in the past) because then he doesn't get attention.

Best Wishes
I'm already depressed in suicide I'm afraid the valve replacement is just going to press my depression to unsustainable levels. I don't want to die of heart failure either so I'm thinking about overdosing on medication that seems like the easiest way to terminate existence I hate being alive absolutely hate it I despise it I want out immediately.
Welp, it sounds like you've found your solution then... *smh*
just letting you know, that this guy has a long history (since day one basically, so nearly 5 years) of this behaviour.

He's an attention seeker and a stupid one at that. The thing he's really afraid of is being booted off a forum (which he's informed us of in the past) because then he doesn't get attention.

Best Wishes
Someone needs to call his mom and tell her to take his internet away.
Someone needs to call his mom and tell her to take his internet away.
a great idea, but she's dead ...

"My parents and brother are long dead; my other brother is ill and in the USA and I couldn't count on most friends "

game over man.jpg

Dead ... they're all dead ... he's told us this for years now ... sometimes he even replies to himself to tell himself that its game over man.

I mean, unless he's whinging bitterly about us all being a bunch of old losers in here ... then he seems to have some spark ...

I've always heard that if someone wants to commit suicide, they're going to do it quietly so no one can stop them. If someone says they're going to do it, or want to die, it's a cry for attention. Perhaps this person really needs an outlet. Perhaps the person is being enabled by being allowed to remain on this thread. That being said, it seems that some are bullying this person and most of us learned if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
It’s not a deadly sin to want attention and these posts are fairly infrequent. I can only hope he has some periods of happiness or at least marginal contentment between visits. Because nothing anyone has said here has seemed to help.
It’s not a deadly sin to want attention and these posts are fairly infrequent.
agree 100% ... perhaps it is a deadly sin to, in a manner of a "wake up" light slap, let the person know that their behaviour is inappropriate ... and we've tried everything else (including me and from the beginning).

Sometimes rewarding bad behaviour with exactly what they wanted (attention) is not the best strategy. I had a guy in a 'share house' I was living in infrequently go on about suicide ... once we realised it was an attention getter we behaved as I'm doing here. His response was to move out and find somewhere else ... to my knowledge he never did it.

I know from other indirect channels he' happily travels and has frolics around with his friends. So I am pretty sure he's not 100% what he portrays
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a great idea, but she's dead ...

"My parents and brother are long dead; my other brother is ill and in the USA and I couldn't count on most friends "

View attachment 890565

Dead ... they're all dead ... he's told us this for years now ... sometimes he even replies to himself to tell himself that its game over man.

I mean, unless he's whinging bitterly about us all being a bunch of old losers in here ... then he seems to have some spark ...

Yeah, parents die. We ALL die. He is a troll. Why is he allowed to stay? He adds nothing productive to the forum. He needs to find a help me commit suicide forum since he has decided he isn't getting surgery and just wants to complain. At some point you must choose to not be a victim of life and move forward...
We don't have any control over the hand that we're dealt, but we can choose to make the most of our situation and live life to the fullest.

Most of us here were arguably dealt a worse hand than most people. But, imagine the hand dealt to Australian Nick Vujicic, born with no arms and no legs. Despite that, he has chosen to accept what he can not change, be positive and make the most out of life, even though his life has many severe limitations. He now gives motivational speeches to others. I met Nick at one of his talks about 7 years ago- he is truly remarkable. He has a powerful message.

We can feel sorry for ourselves or decide to do the best we can with the hand we were dealt. The choice is ours.
