Ugh. Wish I could get a cgm for hubs. Maybe we can private pay. It doesn’t make sense to me to wait until he’s insulin dependent first. : (
The Swan Neck Flask experiment of Pasteur was to show that germs did not have spontaneous generation. to put link in .
I haven't looked over the subject extensively, but I thought there were numerous studies indicating the same results, that masking has little to no value in stopping the spread of covid or dying from covid. Just the same, I have my own feelings on masking, I think it contains a lot of personal moisture that is expelled during breathing, and especially coughing or sneezing. I feel the masks that people wear benefit others more than it does themselves, but that would be a good thing if it is true. I have a doctor's appointment this Thursday that requires masking and don't have a problem wearing one in. It is a bit of a p i t a, but nonetheless, I will wear my mask.I think proven is a strong word, especially when they acknowledge themselves things like:
Evidence is limited by imprecision and heterogeneity for these subjective outcomes. We are very uncertain on the effects of N95/P2 respirators moderate‐certainty evidenceWearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza‐like illness (ILI)/COVID‐19 like illness compared to not wearing masks (risk ratio (RR) 0.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.84 to 1.09; 9 trials, 276,917 participantsHarms were poorly measured and reported, but discomfort wearing medical/surgical masks or N95/P2 respirators was mentioned in several studies (very low‐certainty evidence).
while forgetting it was not about the outcome of disease progression, it was actually about reducing the rapidity of progression of transmission within the community or the R value. I don't think anyone doubted that over time everyone would get it. I for one have said its a almost a certainty that I'd get it (and I did).
Using "proven" is like saying "all" ... if I were to say "all Americans are unable to read properly" it would be improper and wrong.
Its the correct and accurate use of words which distinguishes science and veracity from hype or marketing or pushing an agenda.
I wonder if you're watching a particular YouTube channel by a well known educator?
The Authors conclusions sums it up
Authors' conclusionsThe high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions.
proof indeed
I haven’t worn a mask for months and months now. Very few people here - England outskirts of London - are wearing them now. Today I had an appointment at hospital to see my endocrinologist - neither he nor any of the nursing staff were wearing masks, same with the other patients I saw. Last Saturday I saw my cardiologist and neither he nor the nursing staff were wearing masks either. I went into town after my appointment this afternoon and I spotted only a couple of masks, and I came home on the bus - no one was wearing a mask.I would suggest to you not to wear a mask since you absolutely believe it doesn’t work. Not going to convince anti-maskers over the internet or in person for that matter. They apparently know all of the science.
I suspect the problem is not masking, its all the stupid idiots who didn't.that masking has little to no value in stopping the spread of covid or dying from covid.
So it's not the mask fault it's the people that didn't wear one that's the problem? I have noticed that that people that ignore the science when it doesn't fit their view but reach out to it when it does as you are living proof ! The science has always said masking doesn't work as you can see by the op statement they always wore their mask yet it didn't work and here you are trying to blame the maskless.I suspect the problem is not masking, its all the stupid idiots who didn't.
Have you noticed that people ignore science when it doesn't fit their view but reach out to it when it does?
This is called "confirmation bias seeking"
actually, not it didn't. You can pick the parts of the studies all you likeThe science has always said masking doesn't work
Hey Critter - of course there is "germ theory" - but the issue here is how to stop breathing in the germs. If you can breathe through your mask you will breathe in many germs, particularly viruses as they are extremely small.Well after this discussion and my newfound thoughts there is no such thing as the “germ theory”. I will quit wearing my mask, and get rid of my gloves and go back to the 1800’s and put bare hands in people’s bodies and cough into wounds. Let’s see where that gets us. This discussion is so idiotic , I am out.
Well after this discussion and my newfound thoughts there is no such thing as the “germ theory”. I will quit wearing my mask, and get rid of my gloves and go back to the 1800’s and put bare hands in people’s bodies and cough into wounds.
It's airborne, and infects via the mucosa, gloves are in this case not different than hand washing. You'll still touch your face near your eyes or nose with the gloveTwo barriers that people used during covid-19 were masks and gloves
Well even though this thread devolved into mask stuff,
Wait a minute…you trying to tell me that when you get an itchy butt during surgery, you don’t scratch it? We’ll, who’s going to scratch it, the scrub nurse? (Come to think of it; that might have advantages.).I don’t pick my nose or scratch my butt