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Can we use this guy? He brings his own sharp kit. ;)

It's a control thing. :) I can't help it! :D

Tell ya what, you find a way for me to supervise during the whole thing and I'll do it.
You can supervise! It's called no anesthesia! Gotta cut costs somehow!
You can supervise! It's called no anesthesia! Gotta cut costs somehow!
Since we seem to have limited funding as we all want to be paid
the highest wage and we don't have a sufficiently trained
anesthesiologist,I would advise the procedure called "pithing"-
you take a long thin needle or pin and place it in the nerve center..
..uh...somewhere(as I only have done this on a living frog
I will have to do my best to relate this to Aaron's anatomy)
--but my 'point' is that it will block all pain by blocking his nerves.
Very inexpensive , and Aaron can watch the proceedings:D.
So since Bina is Nurse , I will offer my service as anesthesiologist
via pithing. I'm sure Aaron will agree that this is a good alternative.
But if he prefers the ETOH, I would use Wild Turkey for a truly
NUMBING experience.
Dina, according to the article on acupuncture, I believe the magic place is in his left earlobe. Funny, I have my left earlobe pierced and I still feel pain, but since we have nothing better, I guess we have to stick with the experts.
Dina, according to the article on acupuncture, I believe the magic place is in his left earlobe. Funny, I have my left earlobe pierced and I still feel pain, but since we have nothing better, I guess we have to stick with the experts.

Yes , we probably should, since I don't remember many of the 'pithed'
frogs in Bio-102 Lab surviving this supposed 'humane' experiment.
I remember that I wanted to smuggle my 'lab' frog home.
But it was not to be - our bio professor had to threaten the whole
class in order to get compliance. I remember feeling proud of my
fellow classmates.
Well, since everyone's so eager to go into surgery, who wants to remove the scar tissue from my femoral artery?
DO MINE TOO PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

zipper2 (DEB)

I would at this time like to back outta this and just leave aaron as
your practice bait...whipper snipper:eek:
...hedge wheel puller:eek:
...hack saw:eek:
and i dought this team of professionals is not done yet
I cant wait to hear or see what the sutures are going to be
could end with CRAZY GLUE:eek:Best of luck Aaron and
keep us posted on your recovery!!!!!!and what valve they
chose for you.....obviously Norma's is out on ebay so thats
not an auction........I mean OPTION for you.:rolleyes:

zipper2 (DEB)
I was gonna multi-quote everybody but it was all so hilarious, all I could think of was "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Seriously I laughed so hard.

The most cost effective anesthetic:

There's also a brand of vodka that's 6 dollars for a fifth called "5 O'clock Vodka". It makes one feel poisoned. Never again.

Bonzo, that movie was horrible dude. I really, really tried to make it through it, but it was too much like a twisted, gothic "Fantasia" by Disney.

I've passed out before and my buddies had their way with me. They drew bad things on my face/limbs... alot was anatomically related. Nevar again! :D By the way, have you seen the movie "Awake"? If you're going in for surgery, don't watch it until you're out.

Here's the deal, really though: I'm NOT doing it. I met the last surgeon in Chicago who is basically "the man" and he was pretty much the tie breaker. I had an MRI/MRA which determined my maximum aorta diameter to be 4.1cm. That's barely a dilitation. My valve's mean gradient went down to 10mmhg... that's pretty close to completely normal... He also reminded me that I'm a "big guy", and big guys need bigger aortas. I do believe that my blood vessels are bigger than normal. My head is bigger than the biggest fitted hat size at the stores. My rings need to be special ordered because they're that big. My men's watch is on the second from the last band notch... So it kinda makes sense.

So, even though I pushed this surgeon real hard for the green light, he was NOT having it. Not at 4.1cm with a valve that works "fine". And not with a yearly stroke risk of 1% with the mechanical valve that compounds over the years. I'm 25, and I have to make it like at least 75 more years. That's 75%!

One thing that pissed me off is that he said the chest pain was all in my head. Nope. SOMETHING hurts.

As far as the surgery, for me, it would be almost a sure thing to him. He sounded very confident I would do well. But the fact remains that there's no real good solution for me that fits the "box".

Thanks for caring though, gang.
And not with a yearly stroke risk of 1% with the mechanical valve that compounds over the years.

This here statement is incorrect. It does not compound over the years. It's the same risk throughout your life. We've been over this so many times it's not funny. If it did, every single one of us would have had an incident already. Mathematically, it's impossible.

Just so you know or FYI. Not trying to open a 6 pack of woop ass on ya. :D

Well I'm sorry to inform you, but we've already decided that it's your time and your gonna get that valve job whether you want it or not!
Aaron, at this point I would normally say my thoughts and prayers are with you for a safe surgery and speedy recovery but sounds like "a safe surgery" is out of the question and as far as a "speedy" recovery goes at this point any recovery would be a bonus. Good luck its been nice knowing you.

You're a good sport!
I'm glad the surgery can wait but hope you don't desert the VR Living room.
I was so looking forward to it too. I even went and got my surgeons shirt ready, only problem is, it's awful small now.

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