Thank-youeveryone and i will try not to make this long,regarding update of my 2nd segery Jan 22,2009.
As you all know my surgeon to preform surgery,broke his leg,i was assigned to a new surgeon.Monday in hospital due to emergency i was thankful enough
that i was healthy enough for a cancellation till Thursday surgery,for my mitral valve.
In 1992 i had my 1st surgery the aortic mechanical was installed so 16 years ago,now my native mitral was full of rhumatic so was due for 2nd surgery.
Long story short i met my surgeon,and we discussed tissue valves for both
Signed,sealed delivered it was mine.
Finally surgery approached and i ended up as discussed with surgeon,it would be possible i only needed one mechanical valve,thats what he would do.
I remained with my carbomedics aortic valve from 16 years ago,no change.
The mitral valve native been installed with a St. Jude.
So happens my surgery from 16 years ago is fine and will run another 50 years
my first surgeon in 1992 made an amacculant surgery
in 2006 i suffered with endocarditas and became very ill,but through the power higher than i it never touched my valves in any way,they say i am very lucky.(i will agree)
Once in surgery there was chance my ticuspid also was leaking,but my surgeon,said it was fine and i never even needed a repair.
although due to the endocarditas in 2006 i had developed a fib so a maze was
planned at surgery to fix this up.
Surgery went well,but i had to be cardoverted 3 times in 2 days.
Then shortage of rooms and place i stayed in icu the longest.
I spent a year with terrible fluid and congestive heart failure,my heart wasn't
able to work much longer to all the stress.The fluid kept creeping uncontrolably and was at the worst.I'm not a big lady of 47 years,however 5'1
i reached 205 lbs as i was admitted.
Total loss of my fluid was after surgery 34 and half pounds,as i came home i am at 160 lbs,omgosh,everything is so big in clothes.
All i can say is i was a very sick gal,taken off work in Sept2008 and will i go back? ONE DAY AT A TIME.
Why would i have chosen tissue? Because at 47 years old and being on warfarin 16 years already (IM ADVENTUREOUS) i wanted to find out about another thorn on the other side of the mechanical,if there was any thorns and,you know what,i'm happy,the maze and carioverting helped,and im just pleased even though the tissue wasnot for me right now. I'm just glad there are options we can turn to and decisions we are able to make,the bovine tissue,or mechanical.........Im happy to be here to share this with all of you.
This is only my experience,each of us has their own,and decisions are always tuff,who said they are easy

My surgeon is very happy with the outcome and the,best of cancellation monday was getting to know my surgeon better
Feeling at ease with whatever decisions were made and i am like i say very happy.Im surely a person that would have missed the mechanical clicks and being on warfarin makes me feel safe and sound as for 16 years already on it
These are my security blankets......I love them.......Bless you all and thank-you for being there with me and my family,your presence as i said was felt
Thank God for all of you (HUGS) everyone.
zipper2 (DEB)