Hey i need some suggestions PLEASE!!!!!!
I was bounced around the last few days in the hospital i was in for room
and shortages of beds,ended up 2nd last day in icu just for bed.
Got to know nurses well in icu and was warned i'd be moved too g5 for the
night ,but was warned about Dr. Hammer there and icu nurses told me they'd
assign me to my Doc cus she would keep me in for 2 weeks otherwise,even if my inr was stable.
I got to g5 shared coed with 70year old gentleman
Hr was having avr the next morn.Dr. Hammer came in
saw him and she looks after patients on this floor before
surgeries for heart...right.She walks up to him with her
interns and says you pulled tooth yesterday,your surgery is
bumped,you can,t have it....this gentleman almost had a
heart attack to this news,as she walked toward me....stopped
looked at her notes and said OH your assigned to your own
Dr's you can wait all day.....I said thats fine....Thank-you
The older gentleman in tears suggesting this Dr. wears her name
to truth of her personality,as she hammered him hard as she hid
behind her interns and argued with the gentleman....no surgery.
Long story short he phoned his card. and surgeon who
both arrived in less than half hour told him she had no right
or autority to try and cancel his surgery and she would be
spoken to regarding this.he was on antibiotics and the infection
of his tooth was out ...surgery as planned for him,his blood pressure
was up and he was upset.
Moral of this story,i don't want her near me can i suggest this
after being warned about this Dr. on floors by nurses,i will
end up on her floor for presurgery and even having unpleasant dreams
of this Doc already .
Can i suggest to one of my Doc regarding this and that I
prefer she remain off my file and would i mention it to
my Family Dr. here or to Edmonton when they call me with
my surgery date.........or do i just take her on

Any suggestions would be appreciated really bothers me alot
and fact i have been warned by other floors and nurses.
Thank-goodness icu nurses saved me from her the day i was
discharged.........I owe them big time.
Please suggest what i should do here,it's bothering me.
zipper2 (DEB)
I was bounced around the last few days in the hospital i was in for room
and shortages of beds,ended up 2nd last day in icu just for bed.
Got to know nurses well in icu and was warned i'd be moved too g5 for the
night ,but was warned about Dr. Hammer there and icu nurses told me they'd
assign me to my Doc cus she would keep me in for 2 weeks otherwise,even if my inr was stable.
I got to g5 shared coed with 70year old gentleman
Hr was having avr the next morn.Dr. Hammer came in
saw him and she looks after patients on this floor before
surgeries for heart...right.She walks up to him with her
interns and says you pulled tooth yesterday,your surgery is
bumped,you can,t have it....this gentleman almost had a
heart attack to this news,as she walked toward me....stopped
looked at her notes and said OH your assigned to your own
Dr's you can wait all day.....I said thats fine....Thank-you
The older gentleman in tears suggesting this Dr. wears her name
to truth of her personality,as she hammered him hard as she hid
behind her interns and argued with the gentleman....no surgery.
Long story short he phoned his card. and surgeon who
both arrived in less than half hour told him she had no right
or autority to try and cancel his surgery and she would be
spoken to regarding this.he was on antibiotics and the infection
of his tooth was out ...surgery as planned for him,his blood pressure
was up and he was upset.
Moral of this story,i don't want her near me can i suggest this
after being warned about this Dr. on floors by nurses,i will
end up on her floor for presurgery and even having unpleasant dreams
of this Doc already .
Can i suggest to one of my Doc regarding this and that I
prefer she remain off my file and would i mention it to
my Family Dr. here or to Edmonton when they call me with
my surgery date.........or do i just take her on
Any suggestions would be appreciated really bothers me alot
and fact i have been warned by other floors and nurses.
Thank-goodness icu nurses saved me from her the day i was
discharged.........I owe them big time.
Please suggest what i should do here,it's bothering me.
zipper2 (DEB)