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What the heck are you driving for????
And I know what you mean about leaving your job - it feels like someone ripped the guts out of you, it hurts.
Guess you'll have to start doing jig-saw puzzles to pass the time.....he, he.
Hope that leg of your improves and you'll be able to get some sleep.
Take Care
Impatient zipper2

Impatient zipper2

Omg,is this gonna get better?????
Went to doc,s today again and he says to give it much:eek:
k bruisings horrid i can live with that,but nothing seems to help
could this be nerve pain or the collagen plug causing complications?
i'm not asking medcal advise i'm asking your opinions here.:confused:
my whole right leg will burn like someones doing one of those snake bite
things as kids we use to twist our arms at school till it burned,like wringing
out a wash cloth.Throbbing pain and going into my lower back now.
Still walking with a limp,cant do steps and cant sit stand lay walk i'm constantly trading positions for relief. I'm getting grumpy,and :mad:
has anyone had this happen as a result of an angiogram???
maybe shoulda posted this somewhere else to get response if so Ross can
you please move it thank-you

zipper2 (DEB)
You shouldn't be in this much pain. I'm wondering if the completely shut the vein off with the plug. Is there another doctor or medical facility that can take a look?
Deb, I have never had the type of pain you are describing after a cath. Usually just some soreness that is typically gone in a day or so. I would call the surgeon's office and let them know what is going on. I don't think it sounds normal.

Got hold of my doc here and cardiologist in alberta
i,m going in here at home to have few tests done
to rule out it's not a hematoma or clot and ultrasound
to check out the plug,lots of numbness and burning
this morning and can't turn in bed the right side i can't
even turn or lie in bed......sleep would be beautiful.
Let you all know after i get back,sure this is gonna take some
time today to get through at hospital.
I myself think it's probally had something to do with the bleed
i had day of the angiogram and my inr was high for the test at
3.4 whatever i'm having a great day:pthings could be worse .....
RIGHT??? nah never:p anyhow talk about it when i'm done
and returned.:)

zipper2 (DEB)
well put through it all and ultrasound was good no clots
hematomas no worry of the plug,they are closing this
case in conclusion to my bleed during the proceedure.
As i said the burning in entire leg as result of the bleed
from blood escaping from the vessel under my skin now
in the whole leg.I have discomfort as said ,burning pain like
wringing out a cloth with 2 hands only thats the pain disc.
of leg.The incision is fine no problems there,no bruising either.
however i do limp and could be plug discomfort,but they see
no reason for it and said i will feel this plug in me.However
the bruisings quite spectacular feels hot and swollen,they faxed
everything they did to my dr,in edmonton and spoke with him
and have been told this will take 4 to 5 weeks to heal up
i will likely have my mvs and still carry the biggest bruise on
my leg after surgery.Reminded me i had to be taken off work
now because of the leg healing and reassured me the bleed
was quite serious,however shouldnot have been performed,
reassured me of the healing time,would take some time with
this.Asked me 100 other questions pretaining,was content and
this is where i am at.No one warned me of this happening but
dr's say nothing to worry about,i mean i knew the risks of bleeding,
just wasn't warned about the disability and pain afterwards due to
the bleed.Oh well learn something everyday,just another learning
experience for me.Given pain meds and see what happens i guess
only good things inr at 3.2 and hopefully arteries still clear from the
angiogram,cus i refuse another one at this point and time.:)

zipper2 (DEB)
Research an attorney or two. If you get an infection or suffer clots and the like it is medical malpractice. You have a right to quality care and to have the docs dismiss it as something to be expected is them trivializing it to cover someone's behind, and it's certainly not yours.

I hope you're feeling better and have gotten some rest.

Take Heart,

Pam seems this black cloud follows me no matter what or where:eek:

Hopefully surgery is better as i'm starting to wonder:eek:

Pain meds are helping somewhat but can only stay so long in
any one spot....uncomfortable is the word.

zipper2 (DEB)

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