EVELYN said:
FIRST OF ALL, don't worry about school. As a 34 year teacher, trust me when I say that they will find a replacement for you for a week or whatever it takes to get out there and get that test done. NOTHING is as important as your health, girlfriend, wherever you decide to go. So very many times I went to school sick, or in pain or whatever......NO ONE cares.....you have the sick time, that's what it is there for.
Actually, because I just started with this district last year, I don't have all that many sick days lined up. I try my best to resever them because of situations like 2.5 years ago where I ended up having 2 emergency surgeries (not to mention the trips to the ER) and missed WAY more days than I had reserved. Besides, my card didn't seem to feel concerned about waiting until Thanksgiving. That may change after the stress test, but I doubt it. I am not in a dangerous situation yet. We just don't want me to get there...
Secondly, get on the phone right now and see if both places accept your insurance. If they don't, it will narrow it down to where you'll go. If they do, then talk with your cardio again and see who she feels is better for your situation.
I actually looked up both docs (as well as the Mayo Clinic, but I didn't know what hospital the Philly guy is actually working out of) online last night and according to my insurance's web site they are considered in-network. I've been burned by relying on the web site before, so I do intend to confirm that this week.
Why should you struggle through all the months to spring break for heavens sake. Get there as soon as you can and get it done. The longer it goes on without an answer, the more depressed and upset you'll be.
I know that prolonging this is going to just worry me (not to mention my husband). That's why I had considered Thanksgiving, rather than Spring Break. I don't think that either of these docs is really going to find a solution to my problem (increasing RV disfunction), but my card seems to want to get them involved in a more personal way that they have been.
As far as the flights and hotels, , check out what Lyn said and ask the hospitals if they have like a McDonald house does for the other family members. Just get some plan and put it into action....even if you have to do the time payment stuff.
I will look into it. Though we may make more money than would qualify for help. From what I've read, though, the Mayo has a place for patients and their families to say. I'm going to look into that.
I'm worried about you, girlfriend, and don't want you to go on and on and on with this....who knows what could happen if you put it off till Thanksgiving or even spring break.
The thing is, I don't really FEEL much different than last year, so it's hard to get too worried (which doesn't mean I'm not worried). Because of my particular defects, it's inevitable that my RV is going to continue to get worse. It's just a matter of how long they can hold it off before opting for transplant. From what Dr. Phillips has told me, with CHD it's less a matter of the numbers from the tests and more a matter of judging quality of life... I can still work full time, I can do most of the things I need to do around the house (forget vacuuming!), and in general my quality of life is okay. I dread the day I can't do these things, but at the same time, the sooner it comes the sooner I can have a new chance at life (transplant). Don't get me wrong, I am terrified of the idea of waiting for a doner, but the thought of having a healthy heart sure is appealing.
I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm lecturing you, but that's what old teachers do best. Seriously, please do something, if only to make you feel as though you're a bit more control of this situation and your health.
No worries. I appreciate it. I will be working on this, I just hate that I have to. It's so much easier to be in denial...
Lastly, remember Nancy's motto: NEVER GIVE IN AND NEVER GIVE UP.
Words to live by!
Thank you.