Last week I've had my control echo, and some numbers are slightly worse, while others are weirdly better. The initial reaction from my doctor has been to hold it a bit longer, but he told me he'd talk to the surgeon and also to the doctor who performed the echo for further analysis.. Today I got the news that the surgeon who works with him wants to see me. As I don't believe he wants to talk about soccer or politics, I'm preparing myself for this to be a pre-surgery consultation. I've just read the great set of questions fixed on this forum, and a particular section worries me a bit - the questions about past performance, such as:
Maybe it's a cultural thing, but I worry that the surgeon may consider I'm questioning his experience, which could lead to a rocky start in a relationship with someone who will literally tear my chest apart. So, what's been your experience with dealing with such questions? Should I perhaps start doing them somewhat indirectly (asking how may surgeries are done at the hospital, for example, instead of going direct for the surgeon's experience)?
Also, since the fixed thread is somewhat old, any suggestions for other relevant questions, specially considering whatever relevant technical advances recently? Also, the valve brand (not the type, for me I'm 99% sure it will be mechanical) is a decision done by the surgeon normally?
Once again thank you so much for your support! Even knowing that's a very common procedure, it's hard not to get stressed by the whole thing...
Questions about the surgeon & rate of success:
1. How many valve replacements have you done?
2. What has been your success rate? Your long-term success rates?
3. Have you had much/how much experience with bleeding disorders?
4. What is your mortality rate?
5. What is the risk of stroke? Paralysis?
6. Do I have the opportunity for a minimally invasive procedure? Robotics?
Maybe it's a cultural thing, but I worry that the surgeon may consider I'm questioning his experience, which could lead to a rocky start in a relationship with someone who will literally tear my chest apart. So, what's been your experience with dealing with such questions? Should I perhaps start doing them somewhat indirectly (asking how may surgeries are done at the hospital, for example, instead of going direct for the surgeon's experience)?
Also, since the fixed thread is somewhat old, any suggestions for other relevant questions, specially considering whatever relevant technical advances recently? Also, the valve brand (not the type, for me I'm 99% sure it will be mechanical) is a decision done by the surgeon normally?
Once again thank you so much for your support! Even knowing that's a very common procedure, it's hard not to get stressed by the whole thing...