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Nov 4, 2009
Magnolia Springs, AL
Just wanted to drop in and give a status update on my mom Yaps. She is still living with me and doing well, the cardio changed one of her BP meds and her BP is now stable. She has lost about 20 pounds and looks so much healthier. Her skin glows, as people tell me anyway. She has her moments of not remembering things, and I think as she ages, it will continue to get worse. She sleeps more now, for a while it bothered me how much, but as I think about it, she was always working herself to the bone before the strokes, I tell her its her body's way of getting back all that time that she could have slept, but volenteered for work..lol. Its harder and harder for her now to get out of bed and get out of the house, I think the BP meds make her weak as a kitten, but as long as her BP is stable, I really dont care. My hubby has finally started working again after a 7 month layoff, which helps my nerves alot..but its so unstable the job market now. time to save save save...

Mom sends all her love to you guys as always and wishes she could see to type, but I am an ok typist for her lol.

She gives everyone a wet, sloppy puppy lick and a hearty WOOF!

Hugs to everyone, Yaps and Kathy
I often wonder how your all doing. Great to hear someone is back to work, at least for now. I know I've been living on the edge so long that my nerves are completely shot. All we can do is live for today. Thinking about tomorrow is not something I care to do.
Thanks so much for updating us. Wishing all of you the very best. Big cyber hugs........
I received each and every one of those wet sloppy kisses - Thanks Yaps.

And thank-you Kathy for taking the time to give us an up-date, so happy to hear things are better.

Wet sloppy kisses back-atcha Yaps and ((((hugs)))) too
Please give your mom a BIG HUG from me & tell her I'm happy to know she is doing better! And a BIG HUG to you too.....glad things have brightened up somewhat for you too! :)
I am so glad to read of improvement, that is great news! Is she able to walk around at all? Encourage her to do that, if she can. I agree with you though, sleep is very important, as that is how the body repairs itself.
Ahh....good to see an update about Yaps. Tell her thoughts/prayers are coming her way. :)

Cort | 36.m.IL | 5 Monte Carlos.1 Caprice Classic | pig valve.pacemaker
MCs.CC | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RoadTrips.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Watch over them for me" ... Darryl Worley ... 'If Something Should Happen'
Thanks everyone. She has her moments.. Now it seems whenever she is in her wheelchair her bp goes from 120/63 to 148to160/78-90. She constantly complains about having to move and move around to prevent bed sores. I wake in the morning to find pillows all over the room. She doesnt really want to get out of bed anymore and I make her. I am in the final stages of placing her in a nursing home. My husbands job is temperary and I have to get out and work. My daughter has put off going to college because of finances and I am heartbroken over it. I feel like Im spinning out of control and sooner or later I am gonna hit the bottom really fast..lol. On the upside I have lost 10 pounds....now just about 60-70 more and Ill be a happy girl!! Moms eating habits have picked up abit but it wavers from time to time, from what the nurses say, that is normal. I need to find away to relax, but for now the internet is my escape and the World of Warcraft better watch out for the Druid of Celetria in Stormstrike....( my charater) She is out to kick some Horde butt...
Thanks for all your love and support, my mom loves you all the more for it. and I am humbled by it.
Your friends, Yaps and Kathy
(((hugs))) to you, Kathy. I know it can't be easy living with all the stress you have on you. Thank you for giving us an update. Your mom is lucky to have you.

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