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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Ross, I had no idea that the mail to wounded soldiers was a hoax! I forwarded an e-mail regarding about it a few weeks ago to many friends. Who comes up with with such heartless hoaxes? Thanks for the above links, I will check them out!
Ross, I had no idea that the mail to wounded soldiers was a hoax! I forwarded an e-mail regarding about it a few weeks ago to many friends. Who comes up with with such heartless hoaxes? Thanks for the above links, I will check them out!

Summary of the eRumor:
The brief email gives the address for the famous Walter Reed Army Medical Center and suggests that you include "A Recovering American Soldier" on your Christmas card list.

The Truth:
The Walter Reed Army Medical Center will not receive letters that are not addressed to a particular soldier by name.

In a statement, the facility said "Walter Reed cannot accept these packages in support of the decision by then Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Transportation Policy in 2001. This decision was made to ensure the safety and well being of patients and staff at medical centers throughout the Department of Defense."

The decision applies to packages, letters, Christmas cards, or any other mail not addressed to a soldier by name.

Additionally the U.S. Postal Service has stopped delivering any mail that is addressed to "A Recovering American Soldier" or "Any Wounded Soldier," which are the most common recommendations in the eRumors that circulate about sending messages to soldiers at Walter Reed.

Instead, Water Reed suggests making a donation to www.americasupportsyou.mil which is a site representing more than 300 organizations helping the troops in various ways.
Click here for some other suggested programs to support the troops for the 2008 Christmas Season.

Updated 11/17/08

Another way to help our troups is to join "operation paperback". Through them you can send books to troups in a lot of different places.This is legit because I have sent books several times and have received a thank you note directly from the recipients a couple of times.


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