Worried about Thomas.......

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi Friends, Im sorry but Iv got to tell ''somebody''.

My son Thomas who is just turned 17 has been waiting since ''SEPTEMBER'' for an appointment with the cardiologist. He was to be seen in a major hospital in Dublin (same one I go to) but they contacted me a few weeks back to say that the cardiologist in my 'small' local hospital has decided that he will see him instead, as he wasnt at the hospital when Thomas was brought in by ambulance having passed out due to a VERY fast hr.....hadnt seen his echo results which said all the chambers of his heart are mildly enlarged (all the numbers are above the high range)...and he has decided that because he wasnt on duty for any of that and 'HE' didnt refer Thomas to Dublin, then he will see him instead. (He is an extremely arrogant man)

So after waiting all these months, we are now expected to wait until AUGUST for an appointment in our local hospital, and will more than likely still have to be referred to Dublin to a specialist.

I am sooooo frustrated, especially as Thomas had to come home from school yesterday because he felt unwell. They had PE and were playing soccer, he stays in goal but even that amount of physical activity made him unwell.

I took his pulse and it was 110 at rest, so I called the school and said he would not be coming back after lunch. He rested up and about an hour later his hr had come down to 85.

The thing is Thomas takes a betablocker so his hr usually stays about 75, so for it to be 110 on the medication means without it god knows what would have happened. He is in school thismorning but I am worried (more than usual).

I presented myself at our gp surgery thismorning and asked could I have a few minutes with the doctor (i would normally NEVER do something like that) .....the receptionist looked shocked because I was quite firm about my 'request'. Anyway, the doc said he would send a letter to the hospital to try to get Thomas seen asap.

Thomas is the sweetest boy, I couldnt wish for a nicer son because he doesnt exist, and to see his sad face yesterday as he realised ''this thing hasnt gone away'' was so sad.

Thank you for this site and for allowing me to vent. :cool:
Hi Jacqui,

Don't be sorry...this site is a good place for sharing...lots of caring, wise and encouraging thoughts from many members.
I"m sorry to hear about your son....I too, would be extremely worried (beside myself actually!) if it were my son as well. The symptoms he is experiencing (particularly while on beta blockers) is a concern and I would listen and trust your intuition that he needs earlier attention than August. Good on for taking the step to see your GP...that's a brave thing to do but absolutely a atep in the right direction. You are his advocate...so I encourage you to keep pursuing answers and avenues.

Sounds like you have a sweet, wonderful son... and I also think he has an amazing mum!

Hang in there,

Hugs, Yolanda
You would wonder what a body has to do go get some urgency into these people woudn't you! I bet if it was that doctor's son, he wouldn't be waiting months... god it makes me so mad! I hope your gp will be a help to you in this because it's totally unreasonable to expect him to wait that long.

Jacqui, I'm going to send you a message 'cos I have a cunning plan.. well, an idea how to shift this along.


Our children are the most important treasures. We will do anything for them. When we are powerless to make them feel better, that loss of control is un-nerving. But I have learned the hard way to hand over my weakness to God. I lost a son to a congenital heart defect at three days of age in 1984. I personally know the feeling. I learned to turn my weakness into a strength when I realized I wasn't in control. Eleven months later, I had a healthy son who is now 23, a firefighter/paramedic, 6'8" tall and a former football player on a championship team. God does work in mysterious ways! Now, I have been diagnosed with bicuspid aortic valve with an aneurysm of the ascending aorta requiring surgery this summer. But I have all kinds of positives working in my favor.

There is no reason that Thomas should not be seen soon. I would be contacting multiple resources to accomplish that. It is obvious continued tesing is necessary to assess his condition and treatment. Keep advocating for your dear son. He will overcome this- especially in God's hands. :)
Jacqui - you know you can vent anytime. Don't ever hesitate.

I will keep you and Thomas in my prayers.
Iam so sorry you have been through so much. Don't they just make you so angry. Curtis as been put on medication for heart failure, his consultant made it sound really urgent, that he needed surgery now and guess what we are still waiting for a date. I really hope that you can get him seen asap. Sending hugs and prayers to you both.
I have to say that I would be beside myself if I were in your shoes. The experiences I read about from you and others in the UK are what scare me about universal health care. I wish that there was more that I could say other than please know that you and the kids are in my thoughts and prayers.

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