You want to see something gross, (probably not), but you should see the bottom part of my scar. You can totally see and feel my wires right through my skin, the loop and the twisty tie on the end!!
Now you know why I'm getting them removed in a few weeks!!! I think I have 6-8 wires, I can't remember for sure.
I have never set off a metal detector in an airport. I was kind of bummed the first time I flew after my OHS. I wanted to see their reaction when my chest set off the wand, but it didn't happen and I've flown quite a few times since and no luck!!
I'm so surprised at the number of people that weren't told about the wires before they had surgery. I guess it is kind of a minor detail in the whole realm of things!!
I have never set off a metal detector in an airport. I was kind of bummed the first time I flew after my OHS. I wanted to see their reaction when my chest set off the wand, but it didn't happen and I've flown quite a few times since and no luck!!
I'm so surprised at the number of people that weren't told about the wires before they had surgery. I guess it is kind of a minor detail in the whole realm of things!!