I'd say I've become a "favorite" patient among many in the medical profession. And I am not a major beauty (I'm not ugly, just average). I believe whole-heartedly that this is due to my personality. I still question, but I do so with curiosity rather than accusation. I'm friendly to everyone because I know they are not to blame for my condition or the situation I happen to be in. I'm also open and willing to share about myself and my condition to anyone who asks. I'm willing to make jokes and laugh with them no matter what they happen to be "doing" to me at the time.
Just a couple of weeks ago I went in to get my annual MUGA scan. One tech brought me into the room and said "You look familiar." I told him I come in every year. He said "Oh, yeah! Now I remember." And then we began talking and joking around. Then another tech came in and said "Hey! It's you. Vicky and I were just talking about you and wondering when we'd see you again. She'll be sad she missed you. She's home with her sick kid." Yet another tech came in and HE recognized me as well. We spent the remainder of the test procedure joking around and teasing one another. When you can laugh with someone, despite the unpleasantness of the situation, people will like you.
At least, that's been my experience.
And I know my cardiologist loves me! One time (this was several years ago) she called me up out of the blue just to see how I was doing. She was waiting on some results for another patient and got to thinking about me, so she picked up the phone and called. I love that about her!
And every time I see or talk to her we talk about ME, not just my heart (she loves to tease my husband!).
Just a couple of weeks ago I went in to get my annual MUGA scan. One tech brought me into the room and said "You look familiar." I told him I come in every year. He said "Oh, yeah! Now I remember." And then we began talking and joking around. Then another tech came in and said "Hey! It's you. Vicky and I were just talking about you and wondering when we'd see you again. She'll be sad she missed you. She's home with her sick kid." Yet another tech came in and HE recognized me as well. We spent the remainder of the test procedure joking around and teasing one another. When you can laugh with someone, despite the unpleasantness of the situation, people will like you.
And I know my cardiologist loves me! One time (this was several years ago) she called me up out of the blue just to see how I was doing. She was waiting on some results for another patient and got to thinking about me, so she picked up the phone and called. I love that about her!