Like Ross, we've had snow on the ground for a while, but we just got enough today to plow.
Here in upstate NY, many towns pick up autumn leaves and pine needles which the people rake to the curbs. We have so, so many trees and it would be impossible to bag them all. The leaf trucks just finished cleaning up the leaf piles from Fall. The trees hung onto them for a long time, making it real crunch time for the Town garage, since they use the leaf trucks for plowing too. If they don't get the leaves cleaned up, it becomes a terrible mess. The piles freeze and then the road plow scatters them all over people's property.
Our driveway plowman, just did the driveway. He makes lots of money on the side during the winter. He's got a nice full time job, and this is just gravy.
It's been VERY cold. It was 13 the other morning.