I tend to worry in images. I have repeated images of me on the operating table, me in ICU, me trying to get out of bed and hurting, etc.
I think this works in your favor, because you can view the images positively.
You on the operating table, surrounded by a team of medical people wearing superhero outfits. Heck, go ahead and imagine SuperBob supervising! Imagine a Nobel Prize for medicine on a shelf somewhere in there while you're at it.
You in the ICU, surrounded by whatever nurses make you feel the best (warm grandmotherly ones, super-hot playboy ones, etc.) Be sure to imagine a giant, floor-to-ceiling IV bag full of narcotic pain relievers, because you truly don't feel a lot in the ICU, due to all the pain meds. Also you really do have a nurse with you at all times. That's the point of the ICU.
You getting out of bed and hurting and NOT CARING, because honestly, it doesn't hurt enough to keep you from wanting to get out of bed. When the grandmotherly or hot nurse (whichever you like to imagine) says, "Let's get up so you can take a nice warm sponge bath and change clothes and eat some toast, and when you get back in bed you will have clean sheets," you will be saying, "YES! Get me the heck out of this bed!"