Who all uses some type of noise to sleep with?

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Dyna, I just had a flashback....
I tend to have alot of pet turtles, salamanders, etc. and these pets like to eat crickets.
So, many years ago, I bought a large amount of crickets to get a good discount.
I believe it was 500 and they arrived in a nice cardboard box with a screen in the side.
It was late and I was tired, so I figured that I would wait until the next day before setting up the crickets in another spare aquarium.
I placed the box on the living room floor in a corner and went to bed.

A couple of hours later, I hear chirping crickets and try to ignore it..... Yah right!
They were everywhere! Even under my bed, running and jumping in delight.
I tried to catch as many as I could, but ended up having to use the vaccum......needless to say,
chirping crickets does not exactly bring back fond memories.
I've never heard of a noise machine !? This site is an education in itself ... With different settings too ? Water, waves etc, how strange ? I've not had a TV in my bedroom since I was at college and only had one room... But that's not a bad idea, and I'm sure I'd fall asleep with it on too.. Mind you it would surely wake me with it's noise in the middle of the night !? Then I'd have to get up and switch it off anyway ....
I've really never thought of noises to go to sleep with... I normally just shut my eyes and drift off...zzzzzzzzzzz
I have a sleepmate sound machine,,I actually have 3 and if need be I can place them around the room to block out any sound. I live in an apartment and although I have understandings with all my neighbors,things can still happen. I also relish in sleeping alone with 5-6 pillows placed strategically around the bed. My boyfriend swears thats the reason I wont marry and/or move in with him.
I use my Ipod too if the T.V is on- something about people talking that interrupts my sleep phase. I also have a couple CD's of Rain,Thunderstorms,Nature sounds(even wolves!),and chants. It sounds weird but the Gregorian Chants is what I used in the hospital to calm me,
and to block out noise.
I also have used fans,but don't aim it directly on my face. I once had an episode of Bell's Palsy and was told that wind and drafts can initiate it. I think it has been found to be an inflammatory reaction,possibly from a virus,but I think its idiopathic. Just a note to fan users-but I'm not sure if the fan was the cause.
Ross -

I use the "Healing" music mix I made from iTunes that was originally supposed to be playing on the iPod during surgery. However, I forgot the iPod in the whirlwind that was pre-op. The mix does help me sleep better, I think.

I really like fans but only during the summer months which isn't very long around here.
In the rest of the year my wifes snoring blocks out most any other noise and I sleep just fine.
And if she reads this I will be sleeping in the garage.
We have a sound machine and my husband loves it but not me. The only thing that will put me to sleep is the TV. I keep it on low but it's enough to do the trick for me. It's also a good thing that most hospital rooms are private now because having the TV on is the only way I can fall asleep when I'm in there. LINDA
This has been very interesting!! :)

I just turn off the lights and go to sleep. Darkness is pretty important, but I'm usually pretty tired by the end of the day, so I just conk out. We leave our window open an inch all year long (unless there's a downpour or particularly frigid temps) and we have a little creek that burbles over rocks down below our room in the greenspace behind our house. During the winter, and heavier rains, it can be quite the gushing waterfall so I guess that counts as soothing sound. We often have Canada Geese flying through, onk-onk, even in the dark. They just make me smile. I don't care if they wake me up!

We have frogs.... baruuuuuppp .... much of the year. Crickets in summer. Nowadays and for another few weeks, we have woodpeckers that insist on sharpening their beaks on all the metal "stovepipes" above the neighborhood houses (from the gas fireplaces). Of course they start at 6am!! Since we have a fireplace in our bedroom, when they choose our house, it can be quite alarming!!!!!!!! :eek: Very loud! Rat-a-tat-tat!! You can hear them on surrounding houses, too.

I've always wanted to try one of those sound machines. I tend to be the one that gets to go sleep in another room, since my snoring bothers my husband, but his snoring does not bother me. And he does snore pretty loudly!!

The darker & quieter the better for me. A ceiling fan during the summer is fine or the box fan on low is okay too. Usually my DH's loud snoring will force me to go to the other bedroom to get a good night's sleep!
Until recently nothing keep me awake in fact we always joked that I was asleep before my head hit the pillow, but lately my DH's snoring has been keeping me awake so I have started using my ipod to block out the noise but I try to only use it when I really have too just so I don't become reliant on it

This is SO weird, the world of sleep.. I had absolutely no idea all this was going on ? Tv's on all night, Ipods, fans, noise machines ?
Marguerite, it's little wonder you dont need a noise machine, the manufacturers could have made half their recordings from your bedroom window anyway !? Sounds like a nice relaxing place you have there.
I must be blessed with the gift of sleep ? Just turn the light off and I'm out, but I do live far out in the countryside and dont have a gurgling stream or Canada geese...
Since my operation I have though woken with a start pretty much every single night thinking I cant breath ! I have to sit up, start breathing, then I go straight back to sleep. It's scary though, for a moment ?!
Since my operation I have though woken with a start pretty much every single night thinking I cant breath ! I have to sit up, start breathing, then I go straight back to sleep. It's scary though, for a moment ?!
I have this at times too. I wake up panicked. I have experienced this
pre op and before I had heart problems,and I don't have sleep apnea that
I am aware of,so I wonder if it's a bad dream maybe or something else:confused:
I am content to listening to the beating of my heart and clicking of my valves. I only hear it when I sleep on my left side. The noise never has bothered me at all. :)
Even though I am usually listening to John's CPAP machine (it does have a rather soothing noise), I usually don't need anything to help me sleep -- as long as the mattress is a good one!

I mention that because traveling a lot, I find that I don't sleep as well when the hotel/motel is trying to get too much out of some rather sad mattresses. I know which name/location of motels I can depend on for a good night's sleep. Last weekend in Indianapolis wasn't one of them!