Whew, that was hard work....

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My hubby got lights all hung outside when it was nice and calm out

tonight man what a storm out there (BLIZZARD) cant see across street

but he noticed only have the lights are working on one half of the house:eek:

It looks so strange and funny.......but cute for time being or maybe

he will leave it that way,who wants to ladder it in blowing snow:p

zipper2 (DEB)
I need more snow to finish off my lights.
Now, if Zipper is having a blizzard it will be here by morning, so I might have a BIG enough snow bank so I can put in my LED snow flakes. :D
We finally just did get our outside lights put up today. We usually do it the week-end after Thanksgiving but we've had something going every week-end. It was cold today but very pretty outside. I love decorating for Christmas although I don't do as much as I used to. We do have about 15 aritifical white trees with lights coming down out driveway (which is about two blocks long) and then about six around the house. We have white lights hanging from the house, all the way around. I have a huge victorian tree in my living room and a smaller tree in the sun room, (where we are most of the time.) We have two huge blow up Snowmen at the beginning of the driveway. We have four white wooden reindeer beside the Snowmen. I have 12 grandchildren and they love to come to grandpa and grandma's house during the Christmas time to see the decorations. My husband is such a trooper helping me do all this. Without him I couldn't do it.

I went crazy one year making these reindeer. I love doing wood work. I made a pair for all my closest friends, neighbors and my three adult children. I put a wreath and a big red bow around their necks. Last year I found some reindeer noses and put them on the reindeer. Looks so cute! I have a santa collection so they are sitting all around different places.

We have several Christmas parties (church & family) so it would be unreal for me not to decorate. Most of my decorations are so old. I only replace hanging lights once in a while.

So do I love Christmas, you bet! ! I hate the commercialism but I love what Christmas stands for and what it really means. I love the church Christmas programs, having so many grandchildren we have two to go to tomorrow and three this coming week. I've been helping with the music for our church. We usually have an adult cantata but we didn't have a music director this year so we will be having only a children's Christmas program, which is better. I would much rather see the children perform instead of us adults.

Ross, I love your tree! It's the thought that counts!:) :)
Wow!!! Glenda, your home sounds beautiful.
But as the saying goes around here........is thread is useless without pictures.
Do you have any of your home?
My hubby finished the lights outside and looks like a "chevy chase christmas":D
Just pray he does'nt blow a breaker or something.:eek:
Ross your tree looks like my last years Christmas tree ( after lung surgery). I did'nt even care if they put one up! (to many pain killers)
Where did you get that snow on your Merry Christmas Ross? Must be pretty cold!!:D
Bina, see that you have a pretty BIG Rottie! Is He guarding your goats.:)
My Rottie is alot smaller but they are great dogs!!!:)
I'm with you... I love to decorate for all holidays... I get so excited can't sleep most of the holiday season whatever season it is... Christmas just fills the soul, I love everything about it: what it stands for, the idea of people doing things for others to make someone happy, and family... I love to excite my family with all kinds of goodies: presents, sweets, music, and food. I had my OHS April 2007 I could not do any decorating so my DH did some but with working and doing everything around the house he didnt do much... I am so glad I could and still can shop online or it would of been a bust without decoration, sweets, good eats, and presents. This year I still cant do my stuff so my hubby took a week off work Dec. 15-19th. Better late then never... he is so good to me... last year I got so excited my heartbeat was so irregular and trip to er for sob. I had to promise DH that I would try very hard not to get that excited but that is hard to do cuz I always have been this way. I guess waiting to put up decoration will slow down the excitement. I am praying after my next OHS I will be able to my holiday cheer.

Ross I love your Christmas cuz you own it and that is what you want. Everyone has there own comfort when it comes to celebrating.

I wish everyone a very merry and safe holiday season... take care on the roads...

God Bless

Cute tree Ross. I've just bought my first ever real christmas tree and i can't find my tree lights, so ive just been out and bought 5 box's of lights and i'm still not happy with it. Christmas time is normally my favourite time of year but i just can't seem to get in the mood for it this year.
Ps. Ross, is that some kind of fake brick wall ? The brick spacings are all over the place .
If it's real, or you built then, I'm sorry I'm sure it'll be fine... Just dont lean on it !
Ps. Ross, is that some kind of fake brick wall ? The brick spacings are all over the place .
If it's real, or you built then, I'm sorry I'm sure it'll be fine... Just dont lean on it !

Nope, that's fake brick and my mothers doings when she was alive. She had some wild ideas. Brick on that wall (For some reason, the glue overage turned brown over the years and makes it look sick now) Mirror tile on another and Pine wood on the other two. It almost reminds of some of Picasso's work. I haven't messed with taking that brick crap off, because that means putting up all new dry wall to get that stuff off of it. I don't know what she used, but it's like Liquid Nails constuction adhesive and if you've ever played with it, you know it's darn near impossible to dislodge something from it.
My hubby finished the lights outside and looks like a "chevy chase christmas":D
Just pray he does'nt blow a breaker or something.:eek:
Ross your tree looks like my last years Christmas tree ( after lung surgery). I did'nt even care if they put one up! (to many pain killers)
Where did you get that snow on your Merry Christmas Ross? Must be pretty cold!!:D
Bina, see that you have a pretty BIG Rottie! Is He guarding your goats.:)
My Rottie is alot smaller but they are great dogs!!!:)

Imagine being married to Chevy Chase??.....Pass the Xanax please.
Crystal, the Rottie belongs to my goat breeder. He boards my goats for the winter.
Ross and Bina, y'all are people after my own heart! I LOVE your decorations. that's my speed. My tree is 6" tall. a holdover from an aunt who passed away and her daughter found it in her closet and passed it on to me because I wanted only a wee tree! It's pretty crushed, but it's the spirit, after all.

I always remember that what you put up at Christmas has to come down and be stored away!
All of my good Christmas lights and decorations are in the shed with the hole in roof and covered with snow. I highly doubt they're any good anymore. :(
For the last few years I've stored my stuff in Rubbermaid bins with good lids....too many
times I opened up those old cardboard boxes in the basement to find out
that "Mr. and Mrs. FieldMouse" were having generations of offspring in my pine cones and garlands.
So, I felt bad about not having any lights, and I finally put them up all by myself!

I love it...thats what our lights look like at the moment...now I know we dont need to try untangle them to look festive...LOL...

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