Two-weekPost Op - Outrageaus Headaches

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Hi there,

I had my mitral valve repacement surgery done on January 2 2007. Very blessed to have made it through the operation but am now experiencing severe, blinding headaches, two weeks out. The same thing happend to me in 2005 when I went for a valve repair - with the headaches. I am very tolerant to pain meds so I am in a lot of pain while the docs are trying to rx this. Has anyone else experienced this "phenomena" post surgery? This type of pain makes MV survery feell like a day in the park......:(
Can't some pain relievers cause headaches? I took one four weeks ago and I thought it caused me to have headaches. I hope you have some relief soon.


Hi, I am sorry to hear about your headaches. Before my AVR on sept 28th (almost 4 months ago), I had regular episodes of psudeo migranes / occulars. I was a regular user of Ibuprophin / motrin. My headaches would vary from mild to dibilitating. I would also get 30 -40 minutes of visual disturbances. Since my AVR I have not had a headache. Guess what the one med is that I have not taken since surgery? Ibuprophen. I actually did take it once, a few weeks after surgery and I had a horrible headache the next day.....I no longer use Iburophen. Prior to surgery I was a regular pain med popper for headaches. I would take meds at the first sign of a headache. I bet I was getting rebounds. Anyway, I hope this info was helpful to you and hope it is as simple for you as it was for me.......................Jay :eek:
I had a lot of occular migranes..but no pain with them..after my surgery.
could it be one of the meds you are on?
Sorry I am of no help..
sure hope you feel better soon, headaches are horrible!~
I wonder if any of it could be worsened by a pinched nerve somewhere. Is there a professional who could give you a gentle massage? Do you find when you move your neck or shoulders in a certain way that there is any relief or an worsening? I just wonder if they tweaked something on that surgery table. Don't go ripping your neck in kinky positions harshly now.....gentle, gentle. Maybe a friendly shoulder rub?

It is true that there are accupressure points which can help relieve headaches. The flabby little skin between your thumb and pointer(index) finger can be pinched. That can bring releif.

I'm so sorry. I can imagine how incredibly painful this is for you. I know it sounds wierd, but if you can find the very center point of the throbbing and mentally zero in on it and try to dispel it some, like mental massage......break it apart...break it down.....perhaps this could help. Mind over matter. I mean....if nothing else is working.

Good luck. Wishing you well.

I posted with the same problem last year.

I posted with the same problem last year.

I had migrains every day for about 2 months post-op. I thank thats just the nature on the beast. I hope you don't have them as long as I did.

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