Hi there,
I had my mitral valve repacement surgery done on January 2 2007. Very blessed to have made it through the operation but am now experiencing severe, blinding headaches, two weeks out. The same thing happend to me in 2005 when I went for a valve repair - with the headaches. I am very tolerant to pain meds so I am in a lot of pain while the docs are trying to rx this. Has anyone else experienced this "phenomena" post surgery? This type of pain makes MV survery feell like a day in the park......
I had my mitral valve repacement surgery done on January 2 2007. Very blessed to have made it through the operation but am now experiencing severe, blinding headaches, two weeks out. The same thing happend to me in 2005 when I went for a valve repair - with the headaches. I am very tolerant to pain meds so I am in a lot of pain while the docs are trying to rx this. Has anyone else experienced this "phenomena" post surgery? This type of pain makes MV survery feell like a day in the park......