When did you start driving? Any advice?

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Today I'm over 5 weeks out from my surgery and my wife insisted I cancel a dentist appt. rather than drive myself. I'm getting itchy to get out on my own. When did some of you old salts start driving and do you have any advice for those of us w/ cabin fever?

When I went for my 3 week checkup with my surgeon I complained about not being able to drive. He asked me if I could turn my head all the way to left and right without pain----I could. So, he said I could drive, but only my Mercedes SUV, but not my pickup until 6 weeks. Even so I just drove using the bottom of the steering wheel only. Kinda hurt going over the top at first. So, I guess it all depends on your physical condition pre-op. At the tender age of 69, (old salt) I was in pretty good shape. Been a gym rat all my life. :D

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