What's your experiences with ICUs?

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So sorry that you have this aggravation on top of worrying about Joe- hopefully things are on the right track now, Nancy. Still sending prayers to both of you.
I'm sorry to hear about Joe being in the hospital, I guess I missed prior postings. I'm glad that you were able to get some results. That's why it's so important to have someone looking after you when you are admitted to the hospital. My prayers are with you and Joe
Get hold of the nurse manager, too.

Get hold of the nurse manager, too.

I'm glad you raised nine kinds of hades today, but please get as many eyes as you can on this.

OH, Nancy, we have had internet woes (comcast sold out to time warner :( ), but my heart and prayers have been with you and Joe...........snuck on the other day at work just to check on you guys.

We have been blessed with wonderful PCICU experiences at Michigan ( So NOT the case at our local children's hospital when Katie was born - and we were there for eight weeks!!!) . I know it is different in the ped's world, but we had one on one care, and I can not say enough good things about UofM's PCICU staff. That was definitely not the case when we hit the floor (like when the staff kept trying to flush Katie's lines with heparin even though she had developed heparin-induced thrombocytopenia!!! :eek: ). ONce the nurse manager caught wind of our grievances via our carepage (a friend put a bug in her ear), she immediately rectified the situation and gave me her personal pager and home phone number in case we had any more problems.

Do please speak to the nurse manager, too, and you guys are still on the top of our prayer list. Many hugs. Janet
Dear Nancy:

You must be beside yourself. After the care and attention that you and other Doctors have given to Joe, to have him in an ICU where it doesn't appear than anyone gave a d--- yesterday must have you a crazy person.

All of this effort.....and to have him neglected like this. Shame on them.

Glad you are back at the helm, leading his recovery. You both continue to be in our prayers.

Hi Nancy

So sorry you both have to go through this. I got on this morning just to check on Joe. You are both still in my prayers....Please keep us posted. I'm glad things are improving on the nursing care side, but so sorry to hear of the heart attack.

Nancy, the people there obviously don't know you quite as well as we do or they would have listened carefully beginning with the very first word out of your mouth. I'm sorry Joe is having these problems and especially sorry to hear the news of his having an MI yesterday. You both are in my prayers. I have no ability to make a difference but I do know one who does. Lots of love and hugs to you.
Dear Nancy:

I too just signed on, to find out how Joe did through the night. Truly bad news about the heart attack. Have they run any tests to determine the extent of the damage, if any?

How are you faring, Nancy? Are you feeling ok?

Love to you both,

I'm glad to hear that Joe is FINALLY getting the kind of care one would expect to receive in an ICU.

Please follow through and 'Take It To the TOP' with a Letter outlining all the neglect and consequences to the Hospital Administrator. Likely he's the only one with enough clout to make the needed changes in Policy.

'AL Capshaw'
Nancy I think you need to take a lawyer in with you and really get their full, undivided attention. That is total unacceptable, yet I can see it happening. I get so damn tired of telling those people things and them not listening to me, then they don't listen to my wife either and I end up in major physical trouble because of it. :mad:
Please write it down....

Please write it down....

Nancy - I agree with everything that everyone has said. As a mom, patient, and health care student I have learned that written documentation is powerful and necessary. Write you concerns, even if they are doing better, hand out a few copies and keep one for you, along with a list of those who recieved a copy. If there is ever an argument, or and "I was unaware" type of excuse, you have evidence of the contrary.

Best of luck to you!!
Sorry to hear about this latest update. Joe is one lucky man to have you Nancy. Prayers and best wishes to you both.

Mary You're The Best!

Mary You're The Best!

Sorry Joe is having such a hard time, but very glad he has you! Where is he? If you're in Boston, and need back up let me know. I've got a cane in my car, and can think of some good uses for it right now! Brian


I don't remember most of my time in the ICU, but it sounds like you are on your toes. Just remember, everyone here ( I dont' think I'm being presumptive) is with you and Joe in spirit.

Keep us up to date. You do that so well. We will all worry.
