All that Bob just said (and others before, too) AND that I can commisserate with you on the cardio appointment without the echo. My cardio is Stanford trained and very experienced and is consistently named as a top cardio in Portland (OR, not Mass

). She was always saying that she was listening for a click. If she didn't hear it she would call for an immediate echo, otherwise, every year was enough. It drove me nuts. I wanted the picture! But there are so many other things these doctors know and look and listen for. At some point, you have to trust their knowledge. That said, it was never good enough for me. I always found a way to get in for an echo every 6-8 months during the 3 years I waited. THe last echo was 4 months before surgery, by my design. She said it was time to start thinking surgery after that one.....I didn't think very long. The click, had in fact, become muted to her satisfaction (or dissatisfaction, I guess).
Yes, there can be errors. Was it a different tech doing the echo? but....I don't think there would be so much room for error with the gradient, though, do you really, guys?? I mean that is a clear point on the shoots out and it can be pinpointed. Sometimes the math on the aortic valve opening size can be off, but the gradient? Hm.
Please. By all means, have them mail or fax you all of the echo reports you have had. It is quite helpful to learn to understand them, and to compare your progress.
Most importantly, in my experience, toward the end I really got very symptomatic very quickly and the valve size shrunk accordingly. It was very scary for me toward the end....mostly of my own melodramatic making. Absolutely DO NOT do anything that will cause you sudden bursts of elevated blood pressure. No moving pianos, no shovelling, no pulling hard, etc. etc..
Because of your age, you may get frustrated deciding on which type of valve. Since there is some thickening, and a surgeon
may encourage you not to wait years, you might want to start familiarizing yourself with your options. That way, all subsequent visits can be educated ones.
Good luck! The science for all this is wonderful. You will find the right path and be "normal" sooner than you think!! Now's the time to read, read, read!!
